Scene 8

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The kiss was tender. Almost non existent, but still my lips burned. It was a soft, loving kiss. And not to mention my first ever kiss.

"Seraphina!" Someone yelled out, but my mind was only focusing on Max.

His thumb traced my lips and he smirked straightening up to his full height. He still held me close and my chin between his fingers, but my mind slowly processed everything and I blushed like a maniac.

"I have to go." I mumbled quietly and he let me go.

"Oh hey Seraphina?" Max called out when I was about to leave. "I like you too."

My face flamed up like a lighter and I quickly ran down the hallway. Stupid, stupid, stupid hormones!


"That's a wrap!" The photographer yelled out. 

Luke and I sighed and smiled at each other. He was called on by the photographer, while I went over to take a seat next to Aurora. She was glancing between Miss Bell's new lap dog and me. Just when I think everything is going to be fine with my emotions, the thought goes down the drain as I see Max interact with my ballet teacher. He looks uninterested, but then again I thought he wasn't interested in me and then he kissed me.

But that could also mean he's playing with my feelings...

"Sera, what happened after I left you in the dressing room?" Aurora asked, handing me some ice cubes.

"Max came and... he... kissed... me..." I said slowly, my cheeks becoming even redder as I placed the ice cube into my mouth.

Yes people, I eat ice cubes sometimes. Mostly before a show to calm my nerves, but I happened to eat like a whole pack of them once and end up with a high fever. 

"As in kissed you?" Aurora's eyes were larger than a bats and she was bringing her face way to close to mine.

"Yes, he took my first kiss."I whispered out.

Aurora gasped, then squealed, the jumped up and finally made a pirouette to satisfy herself. 

"I am so happy for you!" She said.

"I'm not." I said bitterly and she slumped down next to me. "Look at him and tell me what you see."

She turned towards Max, while I popped another ice cube into my mouth and began chewing it. 

"I see a boy, staring at you with freakishly large green eyes." She said, and I glanced towards him to see it's true.

"Too bad I see a liar." I said. "I feel like he's playing me. Like I'm a toy."

"Because  of the many girls he hangs around right?" She asked and I nodded. "Listen to me carefully Sera. Love is tricky and if you want it to work you need to put in effort and overlook the past."

My mouth was slightly agape at her words.

"Aurora, when did you become so clever in love?" I asked her, surprised.

"Movies hon, and books." She winked and stood up. "Well then, I'll free this seat here for your beloved. My boobs itch in this dress so I need to visit Pier." 

I waved goodbye and Luke smiled at me when my glance fell on him. The smile became even wider when I felt a presence next to me, and the long blonde strands said more than enough that Max took Aurora's seat.

"You eat ice cubes?" He asked me.

"Yeah, they help me calm down when I'm nervous." I answered, watching the small frozen water cube in my hand.

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