Chapter 5

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Then it was showtime.

We walked through the Ancient Hall, and once again, more students and even the upperclassmen stared at us. I think on this particular occasion, Octavia was a full target of these excessive gawks. I walked behind while Cammie and Alyssa were explaining something about the Ancient Hall. Since they both were practically residents in this school, they knew all the detail better than I did. Our newbie went along without saying anything much, she just listened and nodded quietly.

"The Ultara Academy is quite different from other private schools. Languages, mathematics, histories, sciences, and cultures are in the basic curriculum, but we all are encouraged to pursue anything we want," Cammie said professionally.

"The school has amazing foods, but you can bring your own lunch along if you like. We have some students who are the world's health food nuts - Vivienne is for one," Alyssa might just want to be cute and gave an overboard detail to our newcomer. Alyssa turned to me and winked. But I saw Octavia's eyebrows knitted together in a curious expression though she didn't ask anything.

"So where did you study before coming to this school?" Cammie asked her.

"I was home-schooled," she said in her alluring accent. Then she looked at me and caught me looking at her. I turned away, trying not to blush.

"Do you know where your suite is?"

"I'm sorry; I don't stay in the mansion suite."

"Really?" exclaimed Alyssa, "Which means you're an exception too? Oh, that makes it two then, because Vivienne is another one," she said and then winked at me again. I blinked hard, not knowing why she chose me to illustrate most of her school info.

We ended up venturing into the gym as the last place to see. There were students playing softballs everywhere, and the four of us walked with nothing more to talk, we just watched people playing.

"And this is the storage room for our sports equipment. In case you want to see..." Cammie said as she pressed a button on the wall. The steel door slid open like an elevator. But what we didn't expect to see was Serena in her sports bra with no panties rocking on a screaming Rosa on the floor. Our eyes almost popped out of the sockets as we stared at the live sex in front of us.

Cammie quickly punched the shut-button and the door closed again.

"Well, there's nothing to see here," she said.

And a moment later the school bell rang so loud, I felt like my eardrums would burst. I had to cover my ears while the rest of us didn't seem to bother.

No sooner than the sound stopped, I heard a buzz of an object moving toward where I stood. I lifted my face to see a baseball went sailing through the air, aiming directly at me. It all happened so fast, like a blink-fast! I thought it was going to hit me right in the face, but at the same second, a white hand grabbed the ball, holding it inches away from my face.

I looked at the very hand that belongs to Octavia surprisingly.

"Wow, what a perfect save," said Alyssa.

"It's just a reflex," she replied modestly. The baseball players shouted apologies and asked for the ball back. Octavia tossed the ball from afar.

"You're alright?" she turned to ask me.

"Fine...thank you," I spoke awkwardly back.

When the tour was over, we were ready to grab our lunches at the Lunch Hall, but the place was almost vacant because we were late.

"Guess, that's just us now," Cammie said as she was scanning the place.

"Do you want to sit at our table?" Alyssa asked Octavia. I rolled my eyes at her as if to say, "Just give her a break!"

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