Chapter 40

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After we left the casino, we went straight to find Octavia's aunt. According to the address, Florentine lived not far away from our town. The house was built on the top of a hill. It was a colonial-style mansion with the manicured garden surrounding it.

There was a guardhouse by the gate. We got out of the car and walked up to a security camera. Immediately, a screen attached to the wall flashed a static image of a bald man, who regarded us with a glare.

"Get out of here, kids," he said through the speaker.

"We want to meet Lady Florentine," Octavia said solemnly.

"Who are you?" the guard asked, looking at us like we were homeless people.

"A relative," she answered.

"Go away," the guard said. "Lady Florentine has no relatives."

"Well, she does now," I spoke up and showed the guard my crest through the camera. When the man saw it, he quickly apologized and opened the gate for us. We got back into the car and drove through that gate and into the beautiful courtyard. The guard must have informed the people in the house of our arrival. They came to invite us in like we were some special guests. Then a man in the black suit came to greet us. He didn't ask anything and just ushered us through the hall.

"Please, have some refreshment at the living room before my lady arrives," he said and bowed away. While we were waiting, I walked around the place just for the sake of looking around, and then I heard footsteps descending the grand stairs.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" a teenage girl's voice echoed through the hall. "Do you want my mother to fire you?"

The other person mumbled apologetically to the girl.

I walked closer to where the sound was, and then I saw a girl standing by the stairs. She had strawberry blonde hair and pale skin. Her petite body was adorned with expensive clothes and accessories. She was a walking cliché of a Barbie girl. But her hand was holding a pint of fresh blood. I cringed at the sight of that red-hot liquid. Suddenly, the girl's eyes caught me standing there.

"Is that a new drudge?" she hissed hungrily, baring her teeth.

"What?" I said in surprise and then realized she thought I was human. The girl flashed over and grabbed me by my shoulders. She extended her fangs and my eyes went wide in shock. I had never seen any vampire so uncharacteristically famished like this one before, and that made me freeze in place. But at the same time, Octavia came from behind and pushed the girl away from me.

A fierce growl rose from her stomach as she glared at the girl. But guess what? Just a moment ago, the girl had looked at me like I was chicken barbecues, but now she looked at Octavia like she was seeing a symbol of love. I found that really really disturbing.

The same man in the black suit came out again quickly.

"Miss. Charlene," the man said, "They are your mother's guests."

"What?" the girl asked, tossing her blonde lock back.

"She's a royal, Miss, Charlene," he said, pointing at my direction. But Charlene grimaced at me as if I had a rare disease.

Then we heard the sound of someone descending the staircases. We all looked up and saw a dark-haired man in his fifty or something. He gave us an overall look.

"What's with the noises down here?" He asked with a strange English accent I couldn't place.

"My lord," the suited man bowed, "We have some guests to visit."

"Really? That's very surprising," the vampire lord said then turned to the girl. "I don't like the way you treat our guests, young lady."

"Who knows? They look humans to me," Charlene said with a carefree shrug, but her eyes were still scrutinizing Octavia and me with great interest.

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