Chapter 10

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How strange it was just to wake up in the morning. There was something creeping beneath the layer of my skin, in my pulse, racing through my body. I felt so much stronger, and that scared me.

 As I sat watching the dust motes dancing their way through the cracks of the window, the sound of light footsteps approached the door.

 "Good morning, sunshine," my mom said pleasantly as she entered the room. A huge smile stitched across my face, but then there was something I seemed to come to.

 "What's wrong, honey?" she asked, reading my face.

 "Well, it's just that, 'sunshine' sounds too ironic for a vampire," I told her with a weak shrug.

 "Oh, Vivienne," Mom breathed.

 "No, that's okay, mom..." I tried to restore the situation. "That's okay."

 "Viv, you're still human," she insisted.

 "Yeah, with fangs," I murmured. And for a moment, Mom also seemed to run out of wit to respond.

 "Anyway, can I get out of the hospital now?" I asked.

 "Of course, kiddo," she said, "But I have to make some medical forms before I can check you out. And I hope this would cheer you up. Alyssa and Cammie are coming to see you soon."

 "Oh!" I burst. For a moment I didn't know how I should feel about that.

 "You'll be fine, honey. Just make sure you have your breakfast, alright?" she pointed to a plate of soft jelly sandwiches and a glass of milk on the table.

 "Right," I nodded. When Mom got back to her work again, I ate my breakfast. Then I grabbed my toiletry bag which she brought for me and headed for a fresh cleaning of the day. Maybe if I pretended like nothing happened, everything would be okay.

 Then I heard the sound of my visitors walking toward the door.

 I rushed out of the bathroom. I was already on the bed as fast as a drop of a hat. And this also scared the hell out of me, but I had no time to thin-slice everything. Time to fake ill for now. Then my two best friends burst into the room. But they both let out an exaggerated gasp.

 "Oh wow!" Alyssa breathed. "Vivienne, is that how you look when you get sick?"

 I giggled nervously as I looked at them from my hospital bed. Alyssa bounced forward to my bedside and wrapped her arms around me. Nothing came at first as I returned her the hug, but then a strong smell of incredible bliss enveloped me. And it wasn't the smell of those flowers they had brought for me either, but it was the scent of what flowing beneath their skin, the rattling sound of blood in their veins. It seemed to whisper invitingly to something deep inside me. I quickly pulled away in a jolt of surprise.

 "What?" Alyssa asked, looking concerned with my reaction. "Did I hurt you, Viv?"

 "No...Um...You...You're tickling me," I lied and let out a nervous laugh.

 "Como ti senti, Viv?" Cammie came to ask in her perfect Italian accent. Then Alyssa jabbed her in the ribs.

 "Cam, you're not speaking in English," Alyssa reminded her. Cammie frowned for a minute and then banged her forehead with her palm.

 "Oh sorry! I forgot to switch back," she said.

 "Cammie just started babbling the language all day today," Alyssa told me, "I think she wants to impress our hottest newbie."

 We all know Cammie has a knack for languages. And she travels a lot, so her main purpose is to sleep with girls from different countries as if she's a humping ambassador or something.

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