Chapter 11

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The next day was shining bright and blistering hot. Even with my sunglasses on, I could tell there wasn't a single pack of clouds in the sky. Standing before the sensors of the Ultara gate, I kept telling myself for a zillionth time that no one knew it, no one expected it.

"You look nervous," a melodious voice uttered behind me. I almost jumped out of my skin. I craned my head around to see Octavia in her usual dazzling self. She smiled innocently at me.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"Viv, I just want to apologize about yesterday," she said, using my short name as if she owned it.

"Apology unaccepted," I muttered back. And when the laser scanners flashed green and the steel door slid open, I quickly walked off without giving a second glance. But it didn't take long for Octavia to catch up.

"You walk sexy," Octavia suddenly said. I stopped to glare at her. The girl just grinned back. I shook my head and turned to walk again.

"Are you going to ignore me like that?" she said afterward. I ignored her.

Along the gravel path, flowers were blossoming here and there, showing off their elegant buds. I inhaled the rich scent of the wild orchard in the morning breeze. Everything seemed fresh and colorful than before. I could even hear the sound of crickets and lizards on the ground. The school looked the same but felt different to me. Maybe it was the fact that I had changed a little. My senses were sharper and more accurate.

I stole a glance at Octavia and noticed that she appeared to wear no sunglasses.

"Doesn't the daylight bother you?" I asked. Octavia smirked as if to say, 'Now you talk to me," And I really hated my curiosity for that.

"I get used to it," she said and shrugged. "Besides, we are daywalkers, not exactly nocturnal."

And as a person who doesn't want to be sight-challenged, I took off my sunglasses too, but my sensitive pupils contracted painfully to the brightness of the sun.

"Ow!" I yelped and quickly put the shade back on. Octavia laughed.

"Don't push yourself," she said. "You're still new at this."

I made a face at her and continued walking. Our feet scuffled along the gravel path, passing the overgrown oak trees. The green leafy branches stretched out to form an archway and shielded us from the burning sun. I looked slightly at Octavia again and wondered whether she had taken modeling or ballet class to gain all these grace to her whole body.

As we finally came closer to the Ancient Hall, I could see Cammie and Alyssa standing by the entrance. A smile lighted up my face at the sight of my best friends. They spotted me and waved. I waved back.

"Are you ready to tell your friends?" Octavia said.

"Tell them what?" I asked.

"Looks like you forget what I had told you," she said. "You have to be with me. You're my girlfriend now."

I stopped on my track. My jaw was on the ground as I stared at her in disbelief.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Octavia said innocently. "Or you want me to tell them that I'm your girlfriend? Because I'm more than happy to do so."

"Who said I agree to be your..." I started but then couldn't bear it anymore. I grabbed her by the wrist and walked off the gravel path, pulling Octavia along. As we reached the nearest oak tree, I gripped Octavia's shoulders and shoved her back against it.

"Are you out of your mind?" I hissed, tightening my hands around her shirt collar. "I'm not your girlfriend. We're not dating!" Octavia licked her perfectly curved lips and smirked at me again. Suddenly, she wrapped her slender arms around my butt and pulled my hips to hers. I gasped in shock, feeling my private part pressed her.

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