Chapter 46

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After all the things I had been through, I wish I could just stay in bed and sleep for a million years. But this morning, I woke to the annoying voice of Jacque calling me.

"Vivienne, wake up!" she yelled. I rolled myself around and rubbed my eyes sleepily. The sunlight pierced through the curtains. Then I looked around the room, but I didn't see her.

"Hey, look up!" Jacque said.

And when I did, I let out a horrifying shriek.

"Oh my gosh, Jacque!" I cried, bolting out of my bed. "What's happened to you?"

And in case you don't know, Jacque was floating high to the ceiling like some smug mystic. She lowered herself until she was face to face with me. Her body was still anchored horizontally in the air. Then she winked.

"Surprised much?" Jacque said and then zipping across the room like a fire rocket. My hair stood up, and I got goosebumps watching her levitating like that.

"Jacque, please stop and tell me what's going on?" I said.

"I know how to levitate with control now," Jacque said in a singsong tone.


"I was trying to meditate to free my mind from the earthbound energy, and it works. Isn't it cool?"

"No, Jacque, it's creepy," I said. "Please don't go levitating like a ghost around the school."

Jacque rolled her eyes and descended back to the floor again.

"You have no imagination," she said.

So that was how my day started. Then when we got to Cammie and Alyssa's place, Alyssa came running toward me with an excited smile. She was still in her perky self like always.

"Viv! Check this out!" She said, holding her hands up to my face.

"What's that, Alyssa?" I asked in a skeptical tone. Cammie was sitting on the bed. For some reason, she looked as crossed as when she got an A in Turkish and not an A+.

"Don't you see that?" Alyssa said, wriggling her fingers at me again. I frowned and took a closer look, but there was nothing wrong with her hands.

"You got manicured?" I guessed.

"No! I've got electricity!" she said, "I can turn electrons in my body into electricity! This is so cool!"

I shot a scolding glare at Jacque. She was the one to blame for making Alyssa delusional like this.

"Alyssa," I turned back to her. "I don't think you should continue this kinesis..."

But then she put her hands on my arms, and I felt a jolt of shock went through my body.

"Whoa!" I winced, rubbing my arms in pain. It felt as if I just got stung by an electric eel.

"You feel that?" Alyssa asked, stepping back from me again and when I really focused on Alyssa's palms, I finally saw tiny pencil lines arching in blue color around her fingers, and it got even clearer for my eyes as they kept cracking and dancing frenziedly across her hands.

"No way," I muttered in disbelief.

"Every time I think of electricity, it just sparks!" Alyssa told me and then turned to Jacque. "I did it, Jacque! Thank you!" Then she threw herself at the girl, making Jacque stumble back a little. Could it be that the life-saving sex they did last night had triggered something? Cammie and I stared at Jacque who was still holding Alyssa in her arms with a proud smile.

And when she noticed us, she just shrugged and said, "She's a natural."

At the Lunch Hall, I was waiting for Octavia though she didn't have to come to school on weekends. It had been always optional for her in the Ultara Academy. It was my first weekend in here, though, and I didn't see Octavia this morning, but I had texted her to come to the Hobbit House. It's the only place that I can think, but maybe some parts of me just wanted to be there with her.

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