Chapter 41

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After we left Florentine's mansion, I was still thinking about the prophecy. Now that we know why the other vampires wanted to destroy us, but then there was still some question in the back of my head. Like who ordered the undead to come after me? Were they working for the Underworld or someone else?

As we drove back to our school, I was too tired to even move. Octavia had to put an arm around my shoulders and she walked me to the secret entrance. I found my head fit the crook of her neck perfectly. We both are living impossible lives, but at least we have each other.

Then we came to the entrance of the secret passageway.

"Are you afraid?" Octavia suddenly said, looking sideways at me.

"About the prophecy?" I said. "A little."

"Don't be," she said and brushed my hair aside. "I won't let anything happen to you."

"Not just," I pointed out. Octavia frowned and turned me around to face her.

"Didn't you want to explain me something earlier?" she said and looked at me, and I stared back into her eyes.

"Yes," I said. "About what happened between me and Jacque, it wasn't real."

"You mean you don't have feelings for her or anything?" she asked again. Her eyes sparkled with excitement. I couldn't help smiling back.

"You know what I said to Jacque the other night?" I said, "The more my body wanted it, the more my heart ached for you. Now I know why you could feel me. It's because we both are constantly thinking of each other. And I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done it with Jacque, it was just..."

"I get it," Octavia sighed. "It was just sex, right?"

"No! Octavia, I told you we didn't do it! We didn't go all the way, I swear," I said. She stared at me for a moment and then let out a loud exhale as if she was holding it for a long time.

"Oh god...Viv, you have no idea how relieved I am," she said, putting her hand over her chest to prove the point. "I don't know what to say...I just...oh thank you so much, Vivienne, thank you."

"Why are you thanking me?" I said, feeling somewhat amused at her reaction. "Trust me, Octavia. I really couldn't do it with anyone when everything in my body screams for you. That night I wished it was you the entire time! I'm not going to cheat on you, Octavia, ever."

"But... you wouldn't call that cheating, you know," she said, shrugging weakly at me, "You never agreed to be mine anyway."

"You know how I made it stop? It's because I told Jacque that..." I said, biting my bottom lip slightly. Octavia raised her eyebrows, waiting for my words. "...that you're my girlfriend."

"You did?" she gasped dramatically. I blushed so hard, unable to look at her anymore. I just nodded back, hiding my eyes shyly. Then Octavia pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. She twirled me around, making me scream out of joy. When she put me down, we both giggled, staring into each other's eyes. She smoothed my hair again and tilted my chin up. Then Octavia leaned down to kiss my lips. I wrapped my arms around her neck and kissed her back passionately.

"Please don't hurt me again," she whispered when we parted. "I can take death better than the pain of losing you."

"Don't say that," I put my finger on her lips. "I'm yours now."

She smiled again and the contentment rendered me speechless. I could feel our hearts pound against each other's chest, seeking the iambic rhythm that linked our souls.

Octavia leaned over and pressed her soft electrifying lips on my forehead.

"Promise?" she whispered.

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