Chapter 36

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I felt a slight tickling on my lips and the weight of someone on top of me. The sensation that faintly nibbled on my skin caused me to frown in confusion. Part of me wanted to open my eyes, but my body couldn't oblige. Strangely, the area around my hips felt hot and bothered, as if I was set on fire.

After a short moment of disoriented state, I was able to identify the source of these feelings. Someone's soft velvet tongue was caressing my neck and collarbone. That person's hands roamed around the sides of my body and over my stomach.

I felt like I was in a lucid dream, my quiet whimpers were weakly audible, but at the same time, it didn't feel like my own. The wetness began to seep out from between my legs. Something wasn't right. I tried as hard as I could to open my eyes but to no avail. The images kept blacking out of my vision. I fought to keep my eyelids up until I saw a silhouette of a girl. Long silky hair brushed over my chest and shoulders as she moved. I was certain it was a girl straddling me and slowly grinding against my private part.

I gasped, realizing what was happening. To my utter shock, Jacques's slightly luminous face was inches away from mine. Her eyes were closed as she threw her head back, biting her lips in a sensual manner. I wanted to scream, but my voice got stuck in my throat. Then I caught glimpses of the room, which didn't look like the suite at all. The white wall and white sheet looked out of place.

All I wanted to do was to push Jacques off of me, but my hands and legs gave no response. There was no strength in my limb body. I tried several more times without success. Oh god, what 's happening to me?

I ran out of what to do. It was as if this wasn't my own body and there was nothing I could do except to let Jacques continued. Her naked body was shaking with ecstasy. The bed made cracking noises as the girl rocked herself on me, harder and faster, hitting exactly where the pleasure was strongest.

Jacques slowly kissed my unresponsive lips and moaned into my mouth. Her sleek luscious tongue thrust down my throat desperately. Our legs were intertwined. The soft smooth skin made sensual friction, and I could feel our central pleasuring spots getting all slippery and sensitive every passing minute.

"I'm sorry, Alyssa," Jacques whispered through her moans. "Please wake up."

And then ever so slowly, an electrifying sensation seemed to shot through my core. Every nerve in my body burst to life.

I sat bolt upright, completely wide awake.

My chest was like a hollow drum with my pounding heart. I got sweat on my palms and forehead. I could still feel the wetness between my legs as I turned to look around myself. I was back in the suite of the school mansion, and Jacques was in her own bed. I must have screamed when I woke up.

"Are you okay?" she asked, squinting her sleepy eyes at me. Without saying anything, I shot out of my bed so fast, the next thing I knew, I was on top of Jacques, squeezing her throat tightly.

"You raped my best friend!" I sneered, flashing my sharp teeth at her.

"What...what...are you talking about?" she struggled against my grip.

"You raped Alyssa, didn't you!?" I hissed furiously in her face.

"How could you..." she whimpered, twisting her body around from under me.

"I saw you!" I yelled. "Don't lie to me. Did you, or did you not?"

Jacques went pale. She tried to push me back, but I was too strong, or maybe she was too weak.

"I did that to save her!" she finally spat.

"What?" I loosened my grip in confusion. Jacques gasped in the air and coughed.

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