Chapter 51

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There's nothing else I wanted than to see all my friends safe again. We didn't waste any more time, so we got out of the place, leaving the burning warehouse behind. I looked over my shoulder, seeing black smoked went into the sky, giant flame lighted up the darkness.

Finally, it was over.

But we had to get out as fast as possible. Suddenly we heard the engines revving from the distance and the screeching tires. All of us had to shade our eyes from the blinding headlights. There were about five black SUV cars swooping down.

Then the car doors opened and several pairs of glowing golden eyes emerged from the dark. The men quickly stepped out of the cars and surrounded us.

"Which one of you is the half-blood?" one of them said. "Step out and turn yourself over."

I didn't recognize any of these guys. They had serious business-like faces.

"There's no half-blood here," Cammie said, shifting her feet, ready to take action. But I also noticed that her hands were trembling with tiredness now. Jacque and Alyssa were way off the limit. They looked like a zombie couple. Octavia came to stand beside me in a protective way, but she, too, was in no condition to fight. Then several other black cars rushed down the field. Another group of vampires got out. Then I saw Dimitri and his guards.

I gritted my teeth. I knew he was just like the others.

"Stop there!" Lord Dimitri cried and walked over, but he wasn't talking to us, and that surprised me. Instead of standing with the vampires, he came to stand with the humans. All his bodyguards went into the back, waiting for his order.

"You can't take them," he went on.

"My lord," the same vampire turned to him and bowed slightly, "We're just doing our job."

"I am the lord here," Dimitri said. "When I said you can't take them, you can't take them."

"We have an order," the vampire replied. "From the very top."

Maybe I was wrong about Dimitri again. He was trying to protect us, except whatever he was protecting us from seemed more powerful than he was. I looked at every face of my best friends. They were tired and almost lost their lives because of me. What kind of a friend would I be if I let horrible things happened to them again?

"Vivienne, don't worry," Dimitri said with a worried look on his face, "I can get you out of here. We're not outnumbered."

"Lord Dimitri, don't try to break any more rules," the vampire said, "If you hadn't interfered the law enforcement seventeen years ago, the half-blood wouldn't have fulfilled the prophecy."

"Dimitri," I said. "Thank you for trying to save us, but I'm tired of running now. Please, take care of my mom and my friends for me."

"Viv!" everyone protested at the same time.

"It's okay, guys," I told them. "They won't hurt me. I'll come back."

I know it was just a lie, but I had to lie to save their lives. I would never risk having everyone near death again. And if I went with these vampires, Octavia would be safe. No one knew she was another half-blood beside me.

"I'll go with you," I said, stepping out of my comfort cover. The vampires looked at me, an average-looking girl with no visible threat. Sure enough, they weren't expecting someone like me.

"Me too," Octavia said, coming to stand next to me.

"Octavia!" I hissed, giving her a burning stare, but she refused to look at me.

Cursed Blood |Lesbian Story|Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя