Chapter 27

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In Biology this afternoon, Ms. Grace was walking back and forth, explaining another theory.

"A pearl is formed in an oyster when a foreign object, like a grain of sand, is stuck in its shell," she said. "The oyster is in great pain, but if the object doesn't kill her, nature covers the object with the oozing that forms into a pearl."

Then she went on about the jellyfish, "If the environment provides the jellyfish no food, they would grow food inside themselves to feed on. They stay in the sunlight all day to photosynthesize. At night they go into deep water where there is a lot of nitrogen to fertilize. It is called 'adaptation'  everyone. We all have to adapt to any harsh conditions that life throws at us because it's our natural gift."

I listened, thinking the oyster and jellyfish are just creatures, but they figure out a way to survive. Nature might do the same to me. The more I stay with humans, eating human food and acting like a human, maybe the more human I become. Just so you know, evolution never ends. Nature has created me, and I will learn to adapt myself one day at a time.

After class, Octavia and I strolled along the hallway. I took this opportunity to ask her, "When do we start our mission?"

"What mission?" she asked, sounding like she really had no idea about it.

"Our investigation!" I hissed. "I know you've been busy doing some espionage!"

"Oh, that," she breathed. "Well, I have been collecting data lately."

"Did you find any lead?" I asked with my heart tweaked with excitement. "We'll go in search for the people who had helped our parents in the past, right?"

"Okay, that's not high on the list," she said. "First, we've got to choose who we will go to."

"For now, we know two people, your aunt Florentine and Lord Dimitri," I offered the idea. "How about we go and find your aunt first?"

"Tell me why you choose my aunt?"

"Because she's your aunt," I said automatically.

"You trust people so easily," she said, sounding like I was a complete naïveté.

"Then you want to get to that Dimitri guy?" I asked. "There are only two people who knew about our secret families."

"True," she said. "We have to be careful. My aunt is never around to find, not even in the Underworld. I had been tracking her down for two years, but there's still no trace of her. Fortunately, my father knows a lot of people, and I got to flag Lord Dimitri instead, but that's because he's one of the few vampires who run a business with the humans, sometimes even with the government officers."

"What do you mean? Vampires run business with humans and the government?"

"Yes, kind of," Octavia replied. "The top government knows about the vampire existence, but it is classified as a secret. Who knows? We may be second to the Alien cases. But vampires are different. They blend in with the socialites and other important people. It makes their lives much easier that way."

"What kind of business does that lord do?"

"He imports and exports jewelry and antique goods from around the world,"

"He sounds rich," I said.

"Filthy," Octavia agreed. "Most of the older vampires are."

"How old is he?"

"About four hundred years old or something," she said. I nodded, knowing that if you go by years, four-century-old is an impossible age, but if you convert it into a human year, that vampire lord might be as old as a forty-year-old man.

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