Chapter 02

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"Follow Me," the girl asks as she walks towards the jungle happily and Raine quietly follows.

"Why are you asking me to follow you in here always?" she asks the girl who just keeps walking without answering her.

"Hurry up" she shouts at Raine and Raine stops as the girl has gotten very far away from her.

"I don't want to" Raine shouts back in irritation.

"But, I want to show you something" the girl even if she whispers it Raine hears it clearly.

"First tell me who you are?" Raine asks the girl.

"I will when you will know who I am" the girl grins before she disappears and Raine frowns.

"Wake the fuck up" someone shouts at Raine shaking her harshly.

"What?" Raine asks as she looks around to find herself sleeping on the canteen table.

"You need to go sleep in your own room and this is the last time I will re-heat your coffee," the man who woke her up says as he puts a cup of coffee in front of her.

"Thanks" she shouts before holding the cup in her hand.

"I will go crazy," she hisses thinking about her dream, which looked so real.

The little girl has been showing up in her dreams for the last few weeks always wanting to show her something but for some reason Raine does not want to follow the girl, scared.


"Hey Raine" Chris greets as he walks through the door with a smile on his face.

"Hi Handsome, how's your training on going?" she asks not so enthusiastic this morning.

"Bad shift?" he asks seeing the dark circle under her eyes.

"More like cannot sleep because of the nightmares" she sighs sadly.

"So sorry, for what happened with you and Ariel. Who would have thought the man we thought was Eric was not" Chris tries to cheer her up.

"Ya well have to go back to work now, see you later" she waves her goodbye walking towards her den she has been hiding after that fretful night.

Something changed drastically, after that night. Raine was not herself most of the times; she was scared to sleep because the girl keeps showing up in her dreams.

All she has to do was close her eyes, the girl will take over her, and then there were things that Thomas told her, about her, that she does not wish to think of.

The man was a liar, so whatever he told her may be all lies but still in some corner of her heart she wishes it was true.


She fell asleep, Raine knew as soon as the girl once again appeared in her dreams asking Raine to follow her.

However, this time the girl takes her to a different place, a long forgotten memory she had locked up inside her head.

"It's all up to you now" the girl smiles and disappears.

Raine stands as she watches the scene in front with a smile on her face, this particular dream was not just a dream it was a story, story of how she came to became Adriana.


"Stop following me" Dante grumbles as he looks back at the bundle of dirt.

The little girl do not stop, she stands and stares back at him with a little pout.

Devil's Affection [Affection Series 5] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now