Chapter 33

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Devilin wraps one of his arms around Raine protecting her from the wind as his other hand was attached on Adrian and Scar's intertwined hands along with Raine.

"It hurts" Raine groans as her whole body was burning.

"I know, just a little bit, baby" Devilin grits the words out of his lips as he was not doing any good himself.

"What is happening?" she asks when the wind does not stop blowing while the flowers float in the air.

"I don't know, but I am sure we will find out soon" Devilin replies as he tries to look around him to find everyone running away from the place.

"I am scared" Raine's small voice breaks his heart so he pulls her closer to his body kissing the back of her head in assurance.

"No need to, I am right here with you"

Suddenly their moment is stopped as the lightening strikes right atop of them, both of them tries to look up squinting their eyes trying to see in all the petals and dust floating.

"Fuck" Devilin curses as his knees give away.

"Devilin" Raine's panic filled voice makes him stare at her before she points at the sky and just as he looks up a loud rumble is heard before the lightening strikes right on the four of them.


"No" Dante shouts trying to get near the four of them but Connor stands in front of him holding him back.

"Get out of my way Connor" Dante warns as he worries about the kids as well as his friends.

"No, something is happening there and you stepping there may cause problem so no one is walking out there until it's done" Connor states seriously trying to make them see the bigger part of everything.

"But the lightening struck right at them"

"They will be safe relax" Connor assures before he moves out of Dante's way.

Everyone holds their breath as they watch what was happening out there in the garden and the sight they see astounds them.

Two big dragons surround the four of them, as if protecting them from any harm. The bigger dragon looks up in the sky and roars loudly as if trying to pierce the sky through his voice.

Both the dragons then fly above the couples as they turn into nothing but a white light that glows to the point that it blinds everyone for a while before it come crashing down on both couples.

An eerie silence is followed as everything stops; all the petals lie down on the ground, the wind stops blowing and everyone watching the scenery holds their breath not understanding what exactly was happening.

"Did...did you just see that?" it was Devon's whisper that breaks the silence around them before everyone starts to murmur at what they witnessed.

Dante, Connor along with Rom and Ryan hurries to see how the couples were doing, what they see stuns them and all of them stand still.


"This...this cannot..."


"I say it's a miracle" Dante grins before he is pushed away from his place when the twins jump in their father's arms.

"Da" Siran and Sirus shout at once as they hug their father who frowns a bit in confusion.

"What happened?" Adrian asks not knowing why each of his pack members were staring at him wide eyed and why his sons where a sobbing messes as well as why he was in a bed made of flowers.

Devil's Affection [Affection Series 5] {Completed}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن