Chapter 32

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Dante slowly kneels in front of the bodies of two most precious people in his life, he slowly touches Adrian's pulse on the neck hoping it was not true that his friend just did not leave him alone but as he finds nothing, there is a pain in his chest.

Biting on his lip, he does the same with Scar before he slowly closes their eyes that were wide-opened.

"What do we do now?" Ryan asks as he holds Dante's shoulder showing his support they did not just lost their friends but great Alphas and persons, who left marks in each person's life they both met.

"Inform the kids, they need to be here for their parent's funeral" Dante chokes holding onto his tears.

"Where shall we?" Ryan asks even if he winces saying those words.

"Right here, Red...she...loved being here and I am sure Ad...Adrian will love to be with his wife even after" he stops before few of the tears he had held escapes him.

"I will leave you alone," Ryan whispers as he asks the others as well to leave with him.


"How can you leave us Adrian? I have yet to show you my red-haired grandchildren and what about we kicking a few more asses together to prove we are not so old yet?" Dante speaks as he touches his friend's arms while crying.

"And my beautiful, innocent Red, how am I going to survive without you around, without tasting your sweet cookies...

Who will help me irritate Adrian, who will listen to my talks and help me see things? How can you two leave me so soon? I was not done being with both of you, what will I tell your kids, that like before I could not come in time and save you...

Whom am I going to brag things about now? You son of a bitch, Adrian, how could you just let the intruder do this to you?

How dare you get...?" Dante stops, as he cannot talk so he turns back giving in to his tears and crying for the biggest loss of his life.

He tries to control himself before he slowly turns to face his friends. With his power he collects the flowers in the garden before making a bed out of it before he walks towards his friends, he tries to carry Adrian towards the flower bed but stops when he realizes the hold Adrian has on Scar was far too strong which brings a new set of tears from his eyes.

"Bastard, even after death could not let go of Red, huh?" he tries to joke but fails as he sobs like a child hugging both of them.

"I swear I will avenge your death, he will die a nasty death for doing this to you," he vows as he cannot help but keep crying.

"Mom, Dad" Advin's hoarse voice stops Dante before he stares at the boy who looks pale seeing his parents body.

"What...who?" Advin chokes as he stumbles to where they were.

"They were..." Dante stops as he sees Ariel running their way before she starts to scream and sob.

"No, no, no, daddy, oh god no, not you two" Ariel keeps chanting holding on to her parent's bodies while Dante steps away giving them their time to mourn.

The twins join them next but they do not go near the body or cry they just keep staring at the bodies in shock.


Dante walks towards Ariel and pulls her away from the bodies before hugging her, he asks Devon to hold her before he talks with Advin.

"Where's Jasmine?" he softly asks the boy who could not talk for a while before he clears his throat.

"With Blue, when we got the news...Blue, she is too young" Advin turns his face away not wanting to show his tears to anyone, as he has to be strong for his siblings.

Devil's Affection [Affection Series 5] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now