Chapter 1 - Big First Day

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Chapter 1

•Ethan's POV•

"Wake uuuuuupp!" I knew immediately that it was Zoe, my younger sister. I stirred in bed, groaning and pulling the covers higher.

I hated having to get up this early, I was definitely not a morning person.

Not until I had my coffee, at least.

I heard a huff come from Zoe, followed by another "wake uuuuuupp!" But this one was cut short when I rolled over and forced my hand over Zoe's mouth.

"Can you please shut uuuuuupp?" I imitated, my voice monotone and dull, still dripping with sleep. "Please?"

I felt Zoe's tongue flick out and across my palm. I pulled my hand back quickly and wiped it on Zoe's shoulder. "Ewwwww, stop!"

"Well you're the one that licked me!" I didn't care that I was acting like a five year old; the same age as Zoe.

She sat on her legs, her knees buried in the duvet, hands on hips, her head tilted to one side, causing her thick, dark brown curls to sway to that side. "I'm telling mum."

She started to lift herself up off my bed, but I was quick, wrapping my arms around her stomach and pulling her down into the bed with me. She was giggling, struggling to break free.

"Let go of me!" She squealed, squirming in my grip.

"Will you tell mum?"


"Pinkie promise?" I held out my pinkie, pouting, waiting for Zoe to latch her small, delicate finger around mine. She looked reluctant, her big, brown eyes examining my outstretched finger.

Once she did, I let her go.

She got up from the bed and stood over me. "Me and mum made you breakfast for your big first day, it'll be ready in five minutes." And with that, she jumped off my bed and went out my door, giggling to herself.

Of course, my 'big first day'.

I'd been dreading this day since we moved here. It was only myself, my mother, and Zoe now, since my mum and dad had divorced during the Christmas holidays.

We had moved here, to a small quiet town in order to 'get away' and 'start fresh'. And although I didn't really mind 'starting fresh', I was still upset that I had to leave my few friends behind.

It was my final year at school, and I had to start all over again, make new friends - which I've never been particularly good at - and start anew.

- - - - -

I padded out of my room and down the stairs after getting dressed and doing my hair.

The breakfast that mom had made smelt delicious, the smell wafting up to me at the bottom of the staircase.

"I made you a bowl of fruit salad, sweetie." Mom said, placing the white bowl full of vibrant colors on the island bench.

Our new house was a bit bare at the moment, having only moved in less than a week ago. We had no dining table, only a two-seat lounge with no TV, and worst of all: no wifi.

I needed wifi, and or Internet, to survive. I mean, not literally, but when I'm deprived of Internet access for too long, it's not pretty.

Mom had given me money for credit last night, though, so I will have data to access Instagram. But I won't be able to get that until on the way to school.

"I know you don't usually eat breakfast," my mom continued, "but I figured a small intake of fruit couldn't hurt." She stabbed a fork into the bowl.

"Thank you," I said, walking around the bench and lightly pecking her on the cheek.

She looked a little surprised that I had done that, and so was I, a little bit. During my teenage years I barely showed any affection like kissing and hugging much.

But right now, my mum needed it. I know she still loved my worthless dad, even though he'd cheated on her.

I watched one of those sad happy smiles spread across my mom's face as I sat down, on one of the high seats, and ate my breakfast silently while my mom fixed up a bowl of cereal for Zoe.

Then the bathroom door slid open, the final sounds of a toilet flushing, and Zoe emerged, wrapped up in a cute little blue dress dotted with white stars, wearing tan sandals.

She climbed up onto the high seat at the island bench next to me, eagerly digging into her food without hesitation.

She was done within minutes, hopping off the bench with a tissue in hand to wipe her milk mustache off. She plopped the tissue in the bin.

"Aren't you ever so the dependent one?" Mom says, grinning happily at Zoe. Zoe grins back, pulling a strand of hair behind her ear. "Come here," mom says, grabbing Zoe's hand and directing her into her room.

They emerge moments later, Zoe's hair clipped back with a cute, fake pink flower in the back.

I couldn't help but smile. She seemed so happy, and so did my mom, too, even though she may have lost a part of herself recently.

My mom came over to me, sliding a twenty dollar bill across the bench to me. "I know we're a bit strict on money at the moment, but I also know how much you need your coffee in the morning."

I smile, pocketing the money. Sliding off the seat and walking around the counter, I embrace my mom, snuggling into as if I was five again. "Thanks, mom."

"Hurry up, Ethan! It's your big first day!" Zoe shrieks in excitement. I release mom from the hug and turn to Zoe.

"My big first day? I think it's more of your big first day, you're starting school today, Zoe! Aren't you excited?" I ask.

She swivels on her foot a little bit, her knuckle pressed against her teeth. "Yes," she say, shyly. "But we need to go now so we can both get to school in time!"

"Alright, alright. Just let my get my books and I'll be right down. You can go wait in the car if you want."

I leap up the stairs and into my room, quickly grabbing my binder with books in it, and my bag.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs, the front door opens, and I see Zoe running out with the car keys.

I can't help but chuckle.

"Bye, mom! Love you!" I call out. I hear her reply within a second, saying I love you too.

I close the front door behind me, making my way to my car. My car. That's right. It was a present from my dad when I first got my license. A very generous present.

I open the driver's door, sliding into my seat after chucking my bag and books into the back.

I see that Zoe has already got the keys in the ignition, grinning at me.

I grin back at her, "who's ready for their big first day?"


So, you've read the first chapter!! Yay! Don't judge too harshly haha but I love some healthy, constructive criticism, so feel free to offload some of that! Anyway, don't forget to vote and share!

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