Chapter 41 - A Broken Heart

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Chapter 41

A Broken Heart

•Ethan's POV•

It's my first day back at school in the two weeks that I've had off.

I'm not sure if 'a broken heart' is reason enough for my absent notes or not.

I assume not since I had barely made it to first period before I was called to the principal's office.

Principal Walker's office was quite large, and looked nothing like any other room in the school. The carpet was beige, with a great big dark-wood desk – the kind that you'd expect to see the president sitting behind – planted in the middle of the room, with many bookshelves along with filing cabinets against the walls, draping curtains covering the long windows, and many photo frames.

The room looked more like a college professor's office than anything.

Principal Walker was sitting straight-backed in his huge leather seat. "How are you, Ethan?" He barely gives me time to respond before he continues. "Take a seat, please."

I slip my bag off my shoulders and sit down in one of the two chairs opposite Principal Walker. "I'm fine, thank you. How are you?"

The sweat starts. Nothing visible on my face or anything, but I can't seem to not think I'm in trouble for some reason.

"I'm pretty good actually, thank you for asking."

"That's good to hear," I mutter, still observing the many frames around the room. There's some that are just school certificates, but the majority feature Walker's husband and daughter. I try to suppress a smile.

I don't do a good job. "She's quite the cute thing, isn't she?" he says, picking up one of the frames on his desk and looking at it with a loving smile. His daughter looks no older than three.

I just nod, and Walker puts down the frame, crossing his arms.

"Now, Ethan, I'm sure you know why you're here?"

"Ummm, not exactly, if I'm being completely honest."

"Well, you can stop fidgeting your hands or looking around at everything. You're not in trouble. I just want to understand why you were away for two consecutive weeks without an explanation or call." Walker leans forward in his chair, resting his chin on his propped-up hands.

I look at him and instantly release a breath. He doesn't have a stern look on his face, instead I'm met with kind eyes and a small smile.

I pause for a moment. What do I say? I can't really just say I stayed home for two weeks because my boyfriend had supposedly cheated on me and broken my heart. I decide not to say anything, because I don't want to lie about having some stomach flu that I didn't really have.

"Okay," Principal Walker sighs. "I can't sit here and pretend to not know what's going on. It's been two weeks, and I've heard the rumors around the school. I've also noticed Jake's sporadic absence in a few classes."

I release a sigh. Guess there's no faking a stomach flu then. America wasn't kidding, then. As for the rumors – America hadn't mentioned any rumors, though I'd love to hear what these people came up with, and if it was even close to the truth.

"Now, I'm not going to go into detail about the rumors, but I think I know the very basics of what happened." He pauses for a moment. His tone of voice changes, no more the authoritative, kind principal. "It sucks. It truly sucks. But I'm glad you're back."

I nod, putting every effort into keeping the tears at bay, into not thinking about the heartache.

We sit there in silence for a moment. I assume Walker is waiting for me to open up, to spill. But I let my stubbornness get the better of me and stay silent.

Walker accepts that I'm not going to talk and speaks up, clearing his throat. "Well, if you ever want to talk, the door is always open, and the counsellor's office is just next door."

I nod again, taking this as my cue to leave. I pick up my bag and exit the room.

America is sitting against the wall beside the door, scrolling through her phone.

My heart instantly warms when she notices me, stands up, and smiles at me before giving me a quick, tight hug.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm coping. Thank you for being here."

"Of course," she says, wrapping one arm around me as we walk towards our classes. It's close to second period, and thankfully I have no one in history with me. Give me time to think.

America and I part ways to our separate classes.

- - - - -

America and Principal Walker were both right.

Jake didn't show to math. I sat alone, quietly doing my work and catching up on as much as I could.

Jake did show to biology though. And even though I'd seen his golden locks that morning in the hallway, it was still a punch to the gut, especially that he was happy and laughing with Riley, who was sitting in my seat.

When Riley had noticed I walked in, she stopped laughing, and so did Jake, turning his head to me. He didn't smile at me though. Everything happy about him that was there just a moment ago was gone now. His hazel eyes were sad, as if they were a bowl of melted chocolate, with water poured in.

He looked like hell too, even though he still seemed as cute as ever to me. His eyes are dark purple rings under them, and his hair was messier than usual.

It took everything to keep the tears that had surfaced from falling. It seemed like Jake was doing the same.

It also took everything to not run to him and hug him and cry into his shoulder and explain my problems to him. Because we weren't together, and he was one of those problems.

I looked back to Riley, who offered me a small smile and jerked her head slightly back. America was sitting there, a sad smile on her face – one of sympathy – and the seat next to her was free. I smiled at Riley and took my seat next to America.

None of us spoke for the entire period, silently doing our work. But I wasn't working. Not with the heavy presence of Jake, barely three feet away from me. I barely breathed. He was so close, yet felt so far away.

Instead of working, Ilet the tears silently fall onto my empty page.

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