Chapter 14 - The Proposal

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Chapter 14

The Proposal

•Ethan's POV•

It's Saturday morning, and I feel oddly awake for the time it currently is. See, I planned to spend today with Jake, at his request. Well, it was barely a request; it was mostly him insisting that I come over so he doesn't fail the pop quiz for mathematics that's on Monday.

Hesitantly, I agreed to help him study. And that's how I found my way into my car and on route to his address (which he so pleasantly sent through text followed by a conspicuous number of kissy-faced emoji's).

Unfortunately, I had no idea what time to show up, and I didn't want to text him. So I decided to leave at 9:30, hopefully showing up at around 10ish. That's a good time right? Plenty of time to study, without staying too late into the night.

The exterior of Jake's two-story house was dark brick with multi-paned windows.

I could hear Halsey pumping through some speakers through the house. I smiled, knowing that it had to be Jake playing that music. The front door didn't have a doorbell, so I knocked on the hard wood harshly, hoping someone will hear it over the music.

Fortunately, the door opened a moment before I was going to knock for a second time. A lady with the same blonde hair as Jake's opened the door, a bright smile on her face. Her smile only brightened further when she seemed to recognize me.

"You must be Ethan!" She says excitedly, extending her hand. I shake her hand. Obviously Jake's mother.

"That I am. It's nice to meet you," I say, smiling at Jake's mom. My eyes flick quickly behind Jake's mom, looking for Jake.

"Up the stairs, second door on the right." I smile at Jake's mom.

"Thank you."

"He should be looking pretty dashing, too," Jake's mom says as I'm making my way up the stairs. I can hear the smile in her voice. I pause for a moment at her comment. Which gives me a second to look at the perfectly adjusted portraits and family photos lining the wall of the stairs, the dark blue paint perfectly matching the white portraits with their dark frames.

There were four of them, all wearing white, all looking perfect and flawless; the dad, who's hair was slightly darker than the other three; the mom, whom both children had inherited the blonde hair from; a girl, who looked a little older than Jake; and Jake, all grins and white teeth and dimples.

I was smiling when I made my way down the hallway and stood in front of what must be Jake's bedroom door; second door on the right.

Vibrations were all under and around my feet as Halsey blared through speakers. I felt pretty happy when I was able to mouth every few words.

I knocked. Surely Jake couldn't hear me knock over his music. I knocked once more, especially louder this time.

The music ceased as I was already turning the knob and pushing the door open. There stood Jake, half naked.

He had a perfectly crisp, white long sleeve, button-up formal shirt with a grey tie around his neck. The collar was still unfolded, the cuffs not buttoned, and a button or two at the bottom still not done up.

My face went red instantly.

Jake wasn't wearing any pants; he only had red underwear on that clung nicely to him, and white socks that stretched past his ankles.

Jake was turning. "Do you think this shirt looks good, Mo-" he cut himself off. His eyes went slightly wide. "You're not mom."

I just shake my head, still staring at Jake's body. Well, his mom didn't lie about her son looking dashing.

"Well," Jake says, his voice and facial expressions regaining that usual cockiness. "Since you're here, what do you think?" I don't say anything. "Does it look good?" He asks after a moment.

"It looks great," I say, thanking my voice for not stuttering.

- - - - -

I refused to sit on Jake's bed, so I took a seat at his desk beside the door, while Jake sat on the edge of his bed, one leg crossed, facing me. 

Jake had put some shorts on while I turned, looking away. He also changed into a normal shirt. When he had told me the coast was clear, I had turned back around and put my books on his desk. Jake had briefly apologized, but, of course, had asked arrogantly if I liked what I saw.

I just blushed and sat at the desk.

I now sat with my legs crossed on Jake's desk chair, the chair facing him, with a textbook and notebook in my lap, and a pen in my hand. Jake had the same.

Jake groaned. "I give up. Screw pop quizzes." I just chuckle at him as I continue scribbling answers in my notebook. That's basically been his attitude the moment we sat down to actually study.

I see Jake in the background close up his books and drop them beside him on his bed, closely followed by his pen. I see him then just stare at me

"I'm not kidding," he says. I look up at him. "I've done more than enough studying on my part. Besides," he pauses. "I wanted to ask you something." I close my books at this, placing them on Jake's neat and clean desk. I look back at him expectantly, waiting for a question.

"Well." He fiddles with his fingers and thumbs a little. "You're probably wondering why I was wearing such a fancy shirt." Actually, I was too busy thinking about other things to do a double take on the shirt.

"Basically," Jake continues. "My sister is getting married real soon, and we've all been picking out our outfits. I only got the shirt this morning and I wanted to try it on and show my mom. However, I wasn't expecting you to be here so early and yeah."

Where was the question?

Jake starts. "Anyway, my invitation includes a plus one and I was going to ask Lucy, but I really want to bring you instead." There it is.

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