Chapter 37 - Call It What You Want

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Chapter 37

Call It What You Want

•Ethan's POV•

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" I groan as loud as I can in frustration.

America's chuckle echoes from my phone, which is on loud speaker, on the kitchen counter. We've been on the phone, talking, for at least two hours, about nothing while she does homework and plays with Noah.

"What is it this time?" America asks, laughter in her voice.

I stare in the practically empty freezer and fridge as I scan its contents.

"Well," I say, complete and utter sarcasm oozing in my voice. "I have such a wide selection of foods for dinner that I just can't possibly choose something." I 'hmm' and 'ahh' for a moment. "Frozen pancakes, red apples that have been there for over a week, or, get this, celery sticks."

America just laughs again, and Noah's small laugh follows hers a moment later. I smile.

"I know right, Noah, such a hard choice," I say, closing the fridge doors.

I rest my arms on the counter and my head on my arms, next to my phone.

"I'm sure you'll find something," America says. "Where's Zoe?"

"She's at a friend's place for the night, and Mom is working until Sunday night, so I'm all alone."

"Well, I would offer to come over, bring some food, and keep you company, but my Friday nights are pretty wild lately, you know, breastfeeding and naps and mushed bananas and all." I laugh loudly. "I'm sure you'll figure something out," she says.

An idea flickers to life in my head. "I will, actually," I say. "I'll talk to you tomorrow, I'm heading to the diner for a quick dinner."

"See, that didn't take long." She pauses for a moment. "Careful of Tyler, though," she says, with a smile in her voice.

I knew I shouldn't have told her about the visit to the diner with Mom and Zoe, and how I thought Tyler was an absolute charm.

"I will."

"Okay, talk to you tomorrow, Ryder," she says. "Say 'buh bye', Noah." America prompts Noah.

"Buh bye." Noah's voice is so faint, but it's America's new favourite thing, that Noah can say goodbye.

America hangs up the phone then. It's then that I realise, with my battery percentage below ten percent, that I probably should've charged my phone. Oh well.

I grab my wallet and keys and make my way out the door, locking it behind me.

- - - - -

There's an old couple in one booth, and another guy, maybe mid-twenties, in another, typing away on a laptop, when I enter the diner.

I walk up to the counter and Tyler is nowhere in sight. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed. I ding the obnoxious golden bell next to the register.

I jump slightly when Tyler pops up from below the counter. His face brightens immediately when he recognizes me.

"Jesus," I say, holding a hand over my heart. "If only all customer service was that good."

"Sorry," Tyler says chuckling, his deep voice rumbling. "I was reorganizing the glasses below the counter."

I nod and smile. "Of course."

"So, what can I get for you?" he asks, grinning at me as he pulls a little notebook that he had tucked between his black apron that was wrapped around his waist and black shirt, along with a pen.

I 'hmm' for a moment while looking at the menu, which was written on chalkboards that are hung on the back wall before you walk into the kitchen area. "To be completely honest, I don't know."

Tyler chuckles at me.

"Though," I add, "I know I definitely don't want breakfast for dinner," I say, thinking of the frozen pancakes at home.

Tyler deadpans at me. "Seriously? Breakfast for dinner is the best thing ever!"

Of course. I probably should've thought better of saying that to someone who works at a diner.

Before I can open my mouth and say what I want, Tyler talks.

"How about you sit down, I'll make you my special breakfast, and it'll completely change your view of the world," he says, grinning at me as he tucks his notepad back in between his apron and shirt as he walks out into the back where the kitchen is. "Give me ten minutes!" he calls out.

I take a seat in the second last booth and pull out my phone, scrolling through Instagram and trying Snapchat filters until Tyler has finished cooking.

"That's cute," he says, taking a seat opposite me while setting down a plate full of food and a cup of juice. I close my mouth immediately; I had been playing with the dog filter, and I couldn't even hide the blush of embarrassment that creeps onto my face as I put my phone back into my pocket.

"This is what will change my view on the world?" I mock him as I look at what he made. It was just a bacon and egg sandwich, with two fat sausages and some chips.

"Okay, it looks pretty standard," he admits. "But it tastes extraordinary."

His knees bump mine below the table as he jiggles his legs with obvious excitement. Tingles ran through my legs and up my body at the contact. He was much taller than ... well, Jake.

By the look on Tyler's face I can tell he felt the same tingles as me, but he masks it a second later and the grin returns. "C'mon, try it, I promise you'll love it."

I sigh as I pull the plate towards me and take a bite from the sandwich. I don't even bother feigning surprise, because he wasn't wrong, this tastes extraordinary.

"Right?!" Tyler exclaims, acknowledging the look on my face.

"Okay, yeah," I say finishing the bite. "You're right." I take a chip from the plate and munch on it.

"Now wash it down with some juice," he says, almost commanding me. I do what he says. "See, don't knock it until you try it. Breakfast for dinner is a wonderful sin, especially if it's made by me." He winks at me then, grinning.

"What was the point of coming here then?" I remark, taking bites from the sausages between bites if the bacon and egg sandwich. "I could've had this at home."

"To see my gorgeous face and taste the wonderful masterpiece that I can create, it's almost fate," he says, winking at me. And by the suggestive grin on his face, I can't help but imagine something much more sexual and explicit than him making me breakfast.

I stuff the image into the depths of my brain and ignore it. "It's not fate, it's called I was hungry."

"Call it what you want, we're still here together, and you're still tasting my masterpiece one way or another." I almost choke on the sip of juice that I just took.

He gets out of the booth then and I can't help but notice the slightest bulge that's poking out of Tyler's apron. Tyler must notice my eyes flicker from his slight erection to his face, where my eyes stay to avoid looking at it, from the suggestive grin on his face.

"How about you finish up your meal, and when my shift ends in half an hour, you come back to my place?"

My throat goes dry, but I nod. "Sure thing."

I knew the moment that I had agreed it was a mistake, but I couldn't help it. I needed company – a distraction. Especially after yesterday, with America. Telling her everything felt like it had ripped open the barely-healed wound all over again. I felt so raw, so empty.

So, I finished the meal that Tyler made me and then scrolled through Instagram for another ten minutes. My phone died just as Tyler was finishing off his shift and hanging his apron on a hook on one of the walls behind the counter.

"You ready?" Tyler asks as he walks out from behind the counter.

I nod and gulp. Yep.

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