Chapter 3 - The Cute Guy In Photography Class

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Chapter 3

•Ethan's POV•

We practically ran through the hallways, one after another, downstairs and upstairs, until we found the corridor with both our lockers. Okay, that may have been a little dramatic, but I'm not fit, and it felt like we ran a freaking marathon. That, and I didn't know the school, so it felt like we were going everywhere.

We received odd stares, but I tried to ignore them. It's my first day, I can't let people get me down within the first five minutes. And, it was kind of liberating to run through the hallways. Beautiful clichés executed perfectly is basically porn for me.

There were only a few people in our corridor, people still dawdling, taking their time getting to their first class. America pulled me up to my locker, looking at the paper slip and then grabbing the lock on the door. She turned the dial three times and then hit the door with her fist, causing the locker to pop open.

"Was there any point in that?" I ask.

"I've never opened a locker properly, and I never intend to. Put your books in, but keep two of them for the first two periods," she said, handing me the slip of paper containing my locker code - which apparently is useless - and timetable. I pulled my bag off my back and unloaded all of my books into it but two. The bell rang.

America shut her locker with an obnoxiously loud clang and walked over to me. I slid my bag onto my shoulders, holding my timetable in front of me. Immediately the slip of paper was pulled from my hands, America standing there examining my timetable.

"You have photography first," she said, handing the paper back to me. "Better hurry."

"What? Why? Is it one of those teachers that lives for biting of students heads?"

"What, no. Ms. Tulle is amazing. It's just that the photography building is on the other side of the school." She slid her black handbag onto her shoulder. "Anyway, I've got to get to math."

She started to walk away. "What, no, don't go. I don't know where the building is."

"The other side of the school, remember?" She just stared at me, while I stared back. I didn't know how to get to the other side of the school. I'd get lost and spend the first two hours of school wandering around aimlessly. "God, Mrs. Locker is going to kill me." She grabbed my arm, yanking me in the direction of 'the other side of the school'.

- - - - -

On the way to the photography building we the passed the hall where a bunch of guys were playing basketball, the pool where people were swimming - I mean, what else would they do? - the main office, at least a hundred classrooms, and then we exited through two double doors, sun enveloping us.

The school football field was in front of us, surrounded by ten-story bleachers on either side. And just past the bleachers and field, just before the woods that led to a highway, was the photography building. The building was small, rectangular, and covered in paintings and printed, blown-up photos.

We were halfway across the football field when someone exited from the photography building, and started walking directly toward us.

"Oh shit," America muttered.

"Who is he?" I asked.

America picked up her pace to a fast skip-walk. "Make it look like we're in a hurry," she said.

"I thought we were in a hurry?" I say, keeping pace with her. She just looked at me.

"That's Principle Walker. He makes it his own personal mission to check up on new students." He was almost within hearing distance now. "He's also gay, just like you. You guys should get along just perfect," she muttered to me.

My hands were starting to sweat. Was he nice? Would he give me detention on my first day? I'm so dead for being this late.

"Principle Walker," America addressed, plastering on a smile. "We were just on our way to class."

"You don't take photography, Miss Smith." His voice was light, kind. "Mr. Ryder, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Having a student with grades like yours at this school is an honor. I can't wait to see how this year turns out for you."

And then he was walking past us, his hands clasped behind his back. "America, with me," he said from behind us.

America huffed. "We'll talk later," she said, following Principle Walker.

- - - - -

I hesitate before opening the large red door. Yeah, it's definitely a heavy door; I'm not going to be able to sneak in and sit down without anyone noticing. Well, guess I have to wing it.

I push the door open . . . and it doesn't creak. Thank Jesus. But, I push the door too far back and it bangs into the wall, a loud boom echoing out through the room. Fuck you, Jesus. I never believed in you anyway. All heads turned to me, including Ms. Tulle's.

"Ah, you must be Ethan, right?" Ms. Tulle says, but it's not much of a question. "I'm Miss Tu-"

"Miss Tulle. I've heard you're an excellent teacher," I said, grinning at her probably like a stupid fool. What was I thinking? Now every one is going to think I'm the teacher's pet.

"Right." She seems impressed. She nods at me. "Take a seat. We were just going over the basics of how to use a camera." She turns back to the board, scribbling on it with her pink chalk. I examine the class; most of the heads have turned by now, all of them female, except for one mess of blonde shaggy hair in the back, definitely male.

He had his head down, drawing on his paper or something probably. There was only one spare seat in the class, which was obviously next to him. I huff, making my way towards the seat next to him and sit down, not saying a word.

I slip my bag off my shoulders, dropping it on the floor at my feet and taking a book out, along with a pen. I popped the lid off the pen and wrote my name and subject on the front. Yes, I still do that. But I also add swirls and curls and tumbles, so leave me alone.

Ms. Tulle was explaining basics about cameras and how to use them, while copying it on the board. The boy next to me chuckled quietly. I turned my head to him; he was staring at the front of my book, shaking his head, his shoulders slightly shaking with laughter.

Oh, god, is he one of those douches?

Then he looks up at me. He's gorgeous. Not drop-dead gorgeous, but like boyish-adorable-cute-with-a-mature-touch-to-it. His blonde hair was shaggy, a little messy, literally the definition of "I woke up like this". His eyes were a deep brown, but with the sun shining on part of it, they were a light hazel brown. He had high, prominent cheekbones, with a killer-sharp jaw. His lips were pink and tight.

His eyes weren't roaming my entire being like mine were to his, he was just staring me dead in the eye, blinking only once. I turned my head quickly. Did he notice me examining his entire face? Probably.

I open my blank exercise book and start to jot down the notes Miss has put on the board.

Then he speaks, his body still facing me, "I joined this class because a lot of cute girls were taking it . . . I didn't know there would be cute guys too."

I'm the only guy in the class.


Third chapter!! Weeee!! Remember to vote and share! Xx

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