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Halsey- Now or Never


"This is the bra women consider the baby maker," Amy said I rolled my eyes as I snatched it from her and began to get dressed.

"Why are you here?" I asked. "I am capable of dressing myself. I do this for a living remember?"

"Because Minerva gave me the four one one on the sexy alphas," she began to go through my clothes. "I want you to wear something sexy like you used to. This cute comfy look isn't helping your case," 

"My case? What do you think I'm going to do today?" she rolled her eyes.

"Please stop arguing," 

She pulled out a pair of black skinnies, a white button up, and a vest. I hadn't dressed like that since we were eighteen. She came over and began to look me over. I sighed knowing that no matter what I said to her she wasn't going to stop. Amy never stops until she gets what she wants. Sometimes I miss the insecure kid I found in Kansas City. 

Once I was dressed, she made me sit on the bed and continued to pull my hair back into two french braids. I never wore makeup mostly because my publicist thought my skin was too valuable to put makeup on. That didn't stop Amy from curling my eyelashes. Once she was finally done, she got my all black classic vans and placed them on my lap. I had to admit this outfit had always worked for me. I stopped wearing it when I had thrown myself into my work to try and fill this... this gap in my chest.

"I wear makeup," she said looking down at her feet as she rocked back and forth.

"You don't need it. We could be twins remember?" she smiled and then started shoving me towards the door. When I opened it Nathan had his hand up about to knock.

"Dayum girl do you know where alpha stuck up is?" he smiled. I sighed.

"Take her out please," I pointed at Amy.

"Babe, what did I tell you about bugging the alpha?" he asked her.

"Only when she's been drinking," she said like an obedient kid. I shoved him out of the way.

"You guys are ass holes," I said.

"I forgot you were hot," I heard a loud smack and then him apologizing.

"So, she did, in fact, call in the back up huh?" Cameron asked as we met at the staircase.

"Why couldn't she have been like a bitter hater, you know cause I was supposed to mate her husband?" Cameron chuckled.

"Because you chose to be the bigger man and not kill said husband," 

"So I'm being punished for being a good person now?" he laughed.

"You are very blessed considering what's happened," I didn't comment on that. I had wanted them far away from me and I can't seem to shake them no matter what I do.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs, the four of them turned to look at me. Two pairs of eyes lit up and two just didn't seem to care. Devon and Dylan smiled at me and then greeted me like they always did, with a slight bowing acknowledgment. Reese is wearing a very nice casual suit. 

"Alpha Martak," the stranger said and walked forward. "I'm Wayne Steele,"

"It is a pleasure to meet you," I said taking his extended hand. 

I pulled back when a deep anxiety like feeling crept up my arm and raced through my body. We both looked at one another in surprise. That shit was intense. The only other time I had felt something like that was when I had placed my hands on Dylan's face when I had released him only that had been ten times stronger than what I felt now.

Alpha MartyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum