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Rihanna ft. Mikky Ekko- Stay


"What is this place, Martak? It's beautiful," I asked looking around. 

She brought us to an opening. In the middle of the woods. The familiar scent of lilacs and lavender had hit me along with something a little darker. When we stepped into the opening, the trees were covered in a swirl of the most beautiful and bright colored flowers I had ever seen. 

She didn't answer me, all she did was stare at the two white massive angel statues in the center. They're carved to perfection. They're a masterpiece. The way the angels leaned into each other is tender and it looked like they were looking at one another with the special kind of love. The detail in the eyes is so real. 

They both have golden necklaces on. There's something written on them as I got closer I turned back and looked at the peaceful look on Martak's face as she ran her hands over the flowers on the other side of the opening. This is a memorial for her parents.

"When I started reconstructing everything that was destroyed, I didn't live in the packhouse like I do now. I don't know if you knew that," 

"No, I didn't," I  said.

"My parents left a will where they had written a couple of letters to myself and Cam as guidelines in case something ever happened. I was to go into the human world to find my mom's sister which happens to be Amy's mom. Before Cam could search for her she reached out to us wanting me to go stay with her until I finished training to become the alpha. 

"So, I moved over there. Amy used to hate me. It wasn't so much that she hated me but she was a bit territorial. She's like me and she felt threatened by my presence there. She acted out against me and as time went by I noticed that she had the same spark of a wolf we all do in her but she had never shifted. I thought maybe her wolf needed a little nudge. I scared the shit out of her and her wolf came forward to me and submitted making her view me from a different perspective. 

"When I confronted my aunt she told me that she used small doses of wolves bane to suppress her wolf since she was a pup. Her wolf was reaching out to me as a last resort for survival. Then I started getting to know her and I noticed this scar on her face that she use to hide very well. 

"Her wolf told me that her human fuck of a father beat the hell of her a few days before she shifted. He took a bottle and turned it to my aunt. He threw it at my aunt to distract her. Amy moved to protect her he had this ring that had some kind of stone on it. The thing ripped through her face. Her wolf put her in a coma for a few days to help her heal. They didn't take her to the hospital in hopes she'd die. I don't know why Amy insists she was in the hospital.

"See, I thought that losing my parents was the worst thing in the world because I had to suffer that loss. I was wrong. Amy loves her parents with everything she can and she sends them money to help put her dad through rehab. The two people that were supposed to love her unconditionally and protect her, hurt her and made her fear them. Yet she loves them the way they should love her. 

"My parents gave up their lives to save me and Amy would have given her life up if it meant keeping them both safe," she sat on the benches by the two statues with tears in her eyes. She still had a bit of a smile on her lips when she looked up. "That's when I forgave Dylan for what he had done to my parents but I will never forgive him for what he did to the other families in my pack,"

"Did you do all of this?" I asked after she calmed down. 

"Yes, I did," she smiled brightly. "I tried to make the area theirs by recreating their scents. This is the same exact spot Dylan killed them in,"

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