chapter 10 - i should ink my skin with your name

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'What the hell are these?' Louis screamed the next morning, i was making him and jasmine pancakes. I said to Louis that my aftershave was in my first draw forgetting what else was in there. 

i was happy that me and louis had rekindled things i hoped it would stay like this for a long time even if it was private atleast i had him and i knew how much it would continue hurting seeing Eleanor and him together but i am hoping Louis would put a stop to their fake romance. 

'What the hell are what?' i asked walking into the bedroom. Louis shaked the tub of pills in my face..

'oh them,' i sighed

'they are not what you think,' i said

'tell me how they aren't drugs,' Louis said folding his arms 'harry you have a daughter,' 

'louis they aren't drugs!' i said

it was true they weren't they were things i had been using to help me with the pain of the last few weeks. 

'then what are they?' he asked

'depression tablets,' i said

this was the secret i was trying to hide from everybody yes i was slightly depressed over the last few weeks. 

'You're depressed?' he asked his voice cracking

'slightly but please don't tell anyone i dont want anyone having any excuse to take jasmine away from me,' i said looking over to my pride and joy.

'im sure they wouldn't-' louis said

'please just dont,;' i said

he nodded. 

 'is it because of me and eleanor?' he asked

'slightly but slightly because of hate and everything,' i said

'i'm stopping though soon,' i said

'really?' he smiled and hugged me.


Me and Louis and Jasmine spent the day together laughing joking and messing around. This was the life. we played tickle monster with jasmine and we ran after her and she ran for her life excaping the tickle monsters.

the next few days Louis stayed with me as it should be but we couldn't tell anyone we spent the nights entangled in each other kissing each other's forehead and hugging the stress and pain away.

Me and Louis went to a one direction thing, while we were walking down a red carpet i saw managment indicate for us to seperate from each other, we could have no public displays of affection we could not express the love we had for each other and it hurt. 

It felt as if managment were two large oak trees and their branches covering up mine and Louis' mouth and pulling us away from each other.

It was soon after that i got my first tattoo. and so did Louis. 

if we weren't free to say what we wanted to we express ourselves in a different way. They took away our voices but they didn't take away our pen.

all over twitter people were saying things like 

@harry_Styles pointless tattoos they are all stupid

if only they knew what they all really meant and  how they connected with Louis'. Louis once vowed  to never get tattoos but once he realised that there was no other way to express himself he decided he wanted some. You see when you feel alotof pain and you feel that you need something to really indicate what you are because the way the media portray you is something completly different you resort to tattoos. That is why so many famous people have them. Once i got the first tattoo i needed the others.

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