chapter 12 - sadness

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It had been one month since we announced larry one month of absolute hate mostly by people on twitter the teenagers were fine it was the adults these were the comments that me and Louis got on the internet. 

'Ignore them Lou,' i said to him while stroking his hair while tears flowed down his cheeks while looking through his phone.

'it's getting harder to,' Louis said sadl

'Don't worry about them you are my angel Lou you aren't ugly you are perfect  i love you ,' i said embracing him in a hug

'are we a load of bullshit Harry?' he asked me

'no ofcourse we aren't,' i said hugging him

we had been living in the same apartment with Jasmine for a month now and Jasmine thinks of Louis as a daddy now.

'we did the right thing i couldn't stand being with eleanor for all that time we belong together its written in the stars,' Louis said

we were still on good terms with Eleanor she understodd completly and we were friends. Though the media make out that we are enemies. 

we have groan tired of it because we can hardly go anywhere without bad things happening to us. We've had hurtfull things been called to us and jasmine she doesn't even know what they have meant alot of people have become less friendly with Jasmine i have noticed only Brianna is probably her true friend. I make sure Brianna comes round for play-dates alot because her mother doesn't judge us she is so helpful and such a good friend she offers to do our shopping if we don't want to leave the apartment because of papz. 

Louis decided to switch of his phone which was probably the best thing to do, we were cuddling with our onsies on we got matching ones how cute!

'you know everything i did with eleanor was for you,' he said

'i know boo you dont need to feel guilty,' i said 

Jasmine was asleep in her room after a tiresome day me and Louis took her and Brianna to the Zoo they cooed and clapped their hands at every animal they saw we laughed with them, Jasmine's favourite were the penguins. 

'PENGUINS!' She shouted at them 

as we walked around the zoo people were staring at me and lou holding hands, Lou was happy and once he realised he frowned and became quiet. 

'Its okay,' i said to Louis 

he nodded though i knew it wasn't. I had an odd thought back when he was seeign eleanor, eleanor and Louis held hands and when they came back to the apartment Louis ran to kiss me and he was so happy but now why is he so sad?

when we were in the gift shop. I tried on a wolf mask on and Lou laughed and Wolf claws. 

'Oh how big hands you have harry,' said like in red riding hood

'better to grab your ass with Lou,' i whispered to him 

he was quiet on the way home i think he could only be happy when he was alone with me i hated this i wanted Lou to always be happy. 

so we were sitting there with onsies on and i made hot choclate and were drinking hot choclate while entangled in each other.

'I just feel bad for Jasmine you know,' Lou said

'She loves us either way,' i said 

'its odd now i am finally happy but the public make me sad,' Louis said

Teen dad (a larry stylinson fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz