chapter 25 -bad father part 1

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'Harry styles can you explain how you started drugs?' 

'Harry styles don't you think you are the worst role model for your daughter?' 

'Harry styles you have had a rough year do you think Jasmine will be taken away from you?' 

The cameras flashed in my face and questions bombarded my face. 

'Please just let me go past I am just trying to drop my daughter at preschool,' I huffed passed the paparazzi who were blocking my way, i had to drop my daughter to school though despite the efforts.

'Daddy i feel stuffy i need space,' Jasmine said, she was sitting in the pram and was being crowded, i hated feeling claustaphobic also i feel scared when i am claustaphobic. 

it was hard work pushing past the paparazzi, though i managed to pass it with alot of energy, it was the day after I looked after Tessa and i have had none-stop grief from paprazzi. I have had many phone calls from social services saying if things get any worse of if my drugs get 100 percent proven they will be popping around to have a check. Good i have nothing to hide. (i can hide my drugs and spray the room when they come). 

The thing is i was a good father but the drugs just messed everything up, since last night i have had to sort things out with my management, who tell me i have to prove myself as a good father for the media. I was trying! though last night it took everything in me not to take a joint i literally couldn't sleep, you know how people get hallucinations when they are hungry and everything looks like food?

Everything looked like weed last night as i slept. I found myself aching and crying for it, i found myself feel sore with it. I shouldn't have taken it in the first place! i hated myself for taking it in the first place because now i feel dead without it. 

Because of the pain i was going through last night even though i desparatly didn't want to take any, i really didin't want to take it but as i was addicted i had to, my body yearned for it as bodies yearn for water. 

'Please move out the way!' i huffed angrily, finally we broke free and i took deep breathes as I felt i had space now. Maybe it was a stupid idea to walk, but i wanted to. it was chilly as it was januray but the skies were blue and it was nice. 

After dropping my darling Jasmine to preschool, managment wanted to talk to me and not going to lie i was shitting myself, last time they wanted to talk to me it didn't turn out well, i presume its just to do with the drug scandal that was going on still. 

I held a breifcase which i took with stuff inside it to management, i didn't really need the briefcase i only took it because i wanted to look official and stuff i know that's quite childish but owell. 

'Daddy i want to hold your bweefcwase,' Jasmine said from her pram as we walked across the park towards her preschool. 

'Its heavy Jasmine,' i said

'pweasee daddy,' she pouted 

'Alright jasmine,' i laughed, i gave it to my little girl and she yelped as she held it and dropped it.

'I told you jasmine,' i said and picked up the briefcase, Jasmine was dressed in trousers and t-shirt, she also had a bag because today Jasmine's preeschool were putting on a small play she was playing the sun so she had to wear yellow clothes, luckily jasmine had a yellow dress so i packed that costume for her (picture of jasmine's yellow dress in media) . it was a 3 year old's play so it would be shit and they would sing out of tune and noone would know what they were doing but still it was broadway-standards to parents as whatever their little angel was in was amazing.  Jasmine was very excited about it, she had to dance and sway her arms and she had one line that she wouldn't stop saying it

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