chapter 27 - she's my only sunshine

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You are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are grey

Lou and Jasmine you loved me and made me happy every single day

Then A grey cloud came and took my Lou away there's less sunshine, just rain everydays

Jasmine was the only sunshine my only sunshine then she went away 

no more sunshine no more sunshine now my skies are always grey

~ ~  ~  ~ ~  ~ 

'No sir you listen to me!' i shouted, i was on a full on argument with the social services on the phone while carrying Jasmine, since the horrible news i hadn't let go of her, i was determined to keep her with me i phoned so many people to see if they would give me one more chance.

'Listen Harry it is for your child's own good, you should be thankful she will be raised in a steady enviorment,' 

'NO! she will only be happy with me!' i shouted. I was crying alot, Jasmine didn't know what was happening i did not have the heart to tell her. 

'She's three years old she doesn't know what is good for her,' 

'yes she does! i am a good father i dont want to lose her she's the only person i have, i need her,' i said my voice was cracking. 

'Just because you need her isn't a valid reason i am sorry harry but instead of wasting your time trying to undo the inevitable spend time with her the last few hours you have with her, accept the fact that she's going to be taken away, accept it, im sorry harry,' 

i breathed and began to cry harder, the social services man hung up, I held Jasmine so close and hugged her so tightly. 

'I love you so much Jasmine i am so sorry for all the pain i have brought you,' i said

'Daddy has never brought me pain,' she said 'why you crying?' 

'Jasmine come cuddle with me,' i said i held her tight and rocked her. 

'Now listen to me Jasmine remember all those things i have taught you? being a nice girl, being polite, everything i have taught you?' 

'Yes daddy,' 

'i am sorry jasmine you know that promise i made about always being here to care for you?'

'yes,' she said worried

my voice was so close to cracking, i can't believe this was happening how can my world be taken away from me? she's my everything i am nothing without her,,,how am i going to survive without her? now i will have no love i will feel so empty.

'I might have to break that promise,' i said tears were rolling down my face

She began to cry now 'Daddy where are you going? STAY WITH ME FOREVER dont ever leave me please daddy never leave me please,' she shouted

'Jasmine please listen to me i dont want you to forget me so always wear this necklace, inside is a picture of me and you,' i said while putting on her necklace with the heart pendant. i had one with the same heart so when we were apart we would be together in heart. 

It was a picture of me and jasmine recently at her 3rd birthday she was kissing my cheek and i was holding my arm around her, she had pigtails and we looked so happy


'NO daddy i am sorry i am bad i will be such a good girl i will try harder in school and i will clean my room and i will not run on the road is that why you are leaving me? i'll do anything to keep you right here with me!' she shouted

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