chapter 26 - bad father part 2

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Louis and eleanor louis and eleanor everywhere i bloody go! instagram pictures, vines together of them cooking together. Louis has truly moved on i think or has he really for sure? because gemma inspected the pictures and videos and honestly told me that Louis doesn't look at Eleanor with nearly as much passion as how he looked at me.

Lets rewind time a bit and remember why Louis split up with me, hate hate and more hate, yes Louis doesn't get any hate anymore but last night Louis answered some questions for a magazine he said 'Ignore all the negativity thats what i do' when someone asked how to deal with bullies, obviously that is not what he does or he would still be with me. obviously. 

 i miss his embrace i miss him, if i haven't made it clear before. My thoughts have wondered to him more time than i can ever tell you, though now its been 3 days since the horrible event where I missed Jasmine' s play.she was upset and when we got home she ran to the phone and she was clever enough to know how to use it and she phoned Gemma and told Gemma what happened, My little girl got my older sister to come and tell me off. Gemma was so dissapointed in me that she could hardly speak to me she just said.

'You aren't being careful Harry and you are going to regret it if she goes,' 

I hummed the words of wonderwall 'i thought maybe you were going to be the one that saves me' it was true i thought Louis would be the one to save me from this mess not be the cause of it.

i looked over to Jasmine who was getting ready for preschool, she had kinda forgiven me, i mean last night she asked me to read her a story, Jasmine this morning refused to let me help her get ready she said she was a big girl now.  I had tried to make it up to Jasmine by making her a choclate sundae and letting her stay up 30 minutes past her bedtime last night and i guess she kinda took the offer. 

I couldn't help but giggle at Jasmine's cute attempts to put on her clothes, she put her head through the sleeve and she got very fustrated. 

'Daddy maybe i do need your help,' she sighed

'you will always need my help Jasmine,' i said pulling her head through

'promise you will always be here to give me help?' she asked

'Yes ofcourse Jasmine why do you keep asking me about me always being with you? whats up?'

she sighed and looked at me with those cute little brown eyes which made my heart melt. 

'I overhead my teacher telling me that you were going to go away from me they think, i dont want you to go away from me i want you to stay with me forever and ever,' she said tears forming in her eyes

'really after all i did to you?' i said

'your my daddy daddy,' she said, i held her in a hug and rocked her and kissed her cheeks.

'Jasmine i will always be with you i promise,' i said

i was angry at the teachers for discussing personal things about me, they were backchatting about me and gossiping about me. 

'Jasmine i just want you to know you are the most important and precious thing to me in the world, without you there is no me,' i said.

she nodded and kissed my nose, i guess the public were taking me forgetting jasmine's play harder than jasmine was, on tiwtter everyone was acting as if I dropped Jasmine out of an airplane. i told her the words that she always told me and i told her the words that i longed to be said out of louis' mouth once again. 

After jasmine was dressed, we decided to take the car to the preschool this time. 

'Daddy can i get cookie?' she said 

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