chapter 14 - This just got personal

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The bullying has stopped to my relief, Jasmine comes home happy everyday i don't know if she has made friends but noone is teasing her that's something good isn't it?
Though it has been one month later me and Louis' relationship is hanging on a thread which is inches away from snapping we are holding on for dear life what i have noticed is people treat us aa lot worse because we are gay. 

Me and Louis have alot of fun together i am hoping he stays this happy for along time though he still wears long sleeves we have pranked nearly all of our bandmates and what can i say he's my partner in crime.

'Harry jasmine are you coming to my football match?' Louis asked

'ofcourse wouldn't miss it for the world,' i smiled

'you know being boyfriend with a footballer is pretty hot,' i winked at him

i am glad louis has found football it keeps his mind off depression and cutting.

'Yay we go support daddy!' Jasmine squealed

'yes honey we are,' i said tickling her.

Me and Jasmine dressed in identical football t-shirts and Jasmine and I made a sign which said 'go louis!'  we were going to suprise him with it. 

Me and Jasmine got our seats with gemma and the rest of one direction throughout the match whenever louis' team scored me and jasmine and everyone else screamed at the top of our lungs. Gemma smiled at me she saw my illuminating proud face when watching Louis and how i screamed for him because i was so proud of him she saw the pride in my eyes and she saw how much Jasmine cared for Louis.

'You know if you and Louis ever stop loving each other i will stop believing in love,' she said

i smiled at her, a few rows above us were supporters of the opposite team i think they were getting annoyed with our cheers and our screams expecially because louis was the main reason for them losing. 

'Oh look it's the faggots boyfriend,' one of them scowled

We all looked back to him and glared at him. 

then he said 'i'd never thought i'd see the day where a footballer's gay,' 

we all turned around and glared 'hey do you mind?' gemma shouted

Jasmine blew them a rasberry and we carried on screaming for Louis. 

When louis scored his final goal which gave him a hatrick we all ran onto the pitch even though we weren't allowed to and basically attacked him with hugs.

'daddy i am so proud of you,' jasmine squealed

me and louis were about to hug but then we saw the crowds eyeing us and we immediatly felt judged. 

'for the love of god just hug,' niall said pushing us together as we hugged i embraced it and i swear the whole stadium just went silent for the moment we hugged. we didn't dare kiss. 

We took the train home and it probably wasn't the best idea, a train full of angry football supporters mostly from the opposing team. They all glared at us, the train journey felt absolutley dreadful . 

Me and Louis ignored but heard the hurtful whispers around the train mocking us, i was tired of this now. we all practically ran out of the train at our stop. you don't know how seriously english people take football literally we would have been killed if we started bragging about how we won. 

'so fucking tired of this,' louis sighed

Jasmine started skipping and laughing on the platform.

'LOOK AT THAT FAGGOT WHO COST US THE TROPHY!' a supporter of the opposite team chanted

'and look at his fucking smug face he can't even play that well shouldn't he be in broadway if he's gay,' another supporter chanted

'ignore them,' gemma murmered we started to walk jasmine was still skipping we got into our car parked in the train station and the supporters followed us to our dismay, they were heavily drunk which was not a good sign.

'just because i am gay,' louis murmered with hurt in his voice a tone that i was all too familiar with. 

'Gemma drive,' i instructed with a hint of worry in my voice

before Gemma drove off i saw the drunk supporters throw a rock through the window of the car there was no time to react before the rock came plummeting through the window as soon as they saw th erock fly in they ran off. glass splattered everywhere. it wasn't long before i heard a ear-piercing scream from my little girl.

'fuck she's bleeding there is glass all over her arm,' louis shouted

'call a fucking ambulance,' i shouted

Jasmine was screaming and crying, i rushed to her side trying to calm her down and examine the glass in her arm,

'shit its cut its way through,' i said

she aws crying i was trying to cover her wound with my jacket but i couldn't even imagine the pain she was goign through

'daddy it hurts,' she screamed

'i know baby,' i said trying everything to help her not my poor little girl she gets blaamed again for me and louis' relationship. 

in quick time the ambulance came, they rushed her to hospital me and louis didn't leave her side.

'she doesn't deserve this...this is all our fault,' Louis said burying his hands in his face

'its just drunken people,' i said

'everything is my fault!' Louis screamed 'i have caused her to get bullied i haev caused her to get injured everything is my fault maybe i should just die like everyone tells me to on twitter,' 

he began to cry into his hands

'listen to me louis none of this is your fault, we love her and i love you w edidn't cause this this is just stupid people not us okay!' i said

but he carried on crying. All night we were kept in hospital, Poor Jasmine was put through surgery to remove the glass from her arm.

i was worried stiff i was up all night worrying about her. in the morning she was taken out of surgery and was asleep in hospiatl bed.

'she will be fine,' the doctor said

'thank the lord,' i said kissing jasmine's forehead

'but no 2 year old should go through that sort of pain,' the doctor said 'shes a brave little girl,'

'i know she is,' i smiled

she finally awoke there was a massive bandage across her arm.


'hey sweetheart how you feeling,' i said storking her head

'it hurts,' she said

'oh darling i am so sorry,' Louis said 

'we have a present for you for being such  abrave little girl,' i said producing her a white teddy bear i got from the hospital gift shop

'yay!' she screamed

'im really sorry jasmine i would have taken that pain if i could,' louis said

'i know you would because you love me and i love you,' she said

this made louis smile but half-heartedly i looked at him worried i knew how much guilt he felt. yesterday was too much. the gay chants on the train and now it had got personal and violent. 

'you guys were better off without me...i have just caused pain for everyone,' Louis murmered but i didn't quite hear but he went for a walk around the hospital by himself to think things through i suppose. 

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