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Name: Alistair
Age: 14
Sexuality: Pansexual (questioning about Demisexual)
Gender: Male femscotland

I was bisexual. It wasn't really a phase, more like a realization. I used to think there were only 2 genders: I was very wrong. I thought to myself that maybe I fell in love with personalities, not necessarily gender. I messaged my friend saying I was "pansexy", a word we made up meaning pansexual. She accepts me and that's all I need. Me being trans was the funniest thing ever. I was afraid I would be judged by my best friend. I asked her if I was male, would she still accept me. She was at work so I had to wait. She said she liked me for my personality, me coming out to her. The only problem she had about it was the fact I wouldn't have my amazing blobs. So that was hilarious. My mission this year is to come out to a homophobic school and not get bashed, but I'll try and move to my friend's school.

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