heteroromantic asexual

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My name is Hannah, I'm 14, I'm a female, and I'm asexual.

I first came out to my friend Naomi and she didn't know what it was, so I explained to her that I don't feel any sexual attraction to anyone.  That night, I told my parents, and they seemed cool with it.  The next day, in health, I told my bestfriend and she said, "I don't care."  We were putting this on paper and then she put down, "I'm pansexual.  Man, this is going in the scrapbook."  I'm glad that my friends are alright with it.  My dad, he keeps saying that someday I'll meet a man who will change my mind, but that won't be happening anytime soon so...  I mean, I'm heteroromantic, but a guy isn't going to change my sexual orientation.

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