Time to Confess

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Name: Mia
Age: 15 almost 16
Sexuality: bisexual maybe pan
Gender: female
Instagram: singingirlmia28

So one day I was at my school working for my school musical. I was with my friend Lauren and we were taking and suddenly she touched me and it felt like thousands of sparks going through my body. At first I didn't realize what was happening then I realized I liked them a lot. The next day I was texting Lauren and said I liked them. They liked me back and I was thrilled! We dated for two days and broke up, it was pretty bad. During those two days I only told people that I was comfortable telling. After the break up I began telling more and more people. Most of them even confessed of being bi or Pan themselves. Pretty much almost all of my friends at my school know but no one in my town knows and I will never tell my parents. They are super religious and think that being bisexual is not an option. But I hope to tell more and more people. So far no hate about my sexuality and I have never been more happy.

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