Surprise Surprise

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Age: 13
Sexuality: Biromantic Asexual
Gender: female cisgender

(all names fake for privacy)

So I came out to my friend Emma first (kind of as a freak out). I was scared and hysterical for some reason and she talked to me about it for a while that day. Then, later, with Emma's help, I came out to my friends Amyy (bisexual), Riley (gender fluid polysexual), Sarah (straight), Nicolaus (straight), Rick (straight), Mary (straight), and Ally (straight). They were all cool and then we played exploding kittens. So then I came out to my friend Bella, and she's Pansexual so it's cool. Then I came out to my crush, Amber (Biromantic asexual as well). I fucked up and confessed my crush. She turned out to like me too. My parents also know now but idk if Amber still likes me...... So I'm confused but going forward.

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