Out of the Kitchen Cabinet

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Name: Itzel

Age: 15

Sexuality: Pansexual

Gender: Female?

Snapchat: ItsItzel_4u

It all started in the seventh grade, which I call it "Exploring Year." I have been close to this one girl for some time now and I realized I started having feelings for her. I honestly didn't feel scared of me not being straight. It was actually exciting? So I came out to her as bisexual and turns out she liked me (idk her sexuality). We were a "thing" for a very long time until we made it official. During that time period, I started to leave hints to my family that I was bi. I was singing I Kissed A Girl by Katy Perry nonstop but they didn't get it. Then I sang Girls/Girls/Boys by Panic! At The Disco nonstop. They finally caught up. My mom sat down (dad was at work) and she took my phone away so I was forced to tell her. Let's just say tears were shed and disappointed looks were seen. Me and the girl broke up because I didn't want to drag her down while I wasn't feeling myself. A year later, I accepted myself 100% and went from being bi to pansexual. I came out to my friends and they're all accepting because tbh we all have different sexualities (GREAT M8). Months ago I admitted on liking one of my close friends (girl?) and two months ago we started dating!! With all of the support I have, I decided to tell my parents about my new sexuality but sadly it didn't go well (I came out yesterday actually). My mom was harsh for a while but my father didn't get it and thinks "I'm a confused 15 year old girl who just needs someone to lead her in the right path." It hurt for the whole day but I just thought of all my supportive friends and said to myself " If they really do love you, they will accept it. Love and accept yourself first." Now I'm just a happy "smol bean" (:

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