I Can Never Be Serious

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Adam, 13, male, pansexual.  Tumblr-justafan-adam

I'm known for making pretty much everything a joke. So since I was nervous and didn't really know any other way to handle it. I decided to make coming out as trans a bit of a joke too. My plan to come out was to write "boy" on a cookie, show it to my parents and say, "you are what you eat" and take a bite of the cookie. I think it was a stupid idea looking back, but at least it's a funny memory to look back on.

I got the cookie and brought them upstairs. I was shaking like a leaf and could barely speak. I finally worked up the courage to say "though this is pretty serious, I make everything a joke, so I'm doing this the best way I know how. You are what you eat" and then I took a bite of the cookie (it was burnt and kinda gross btw) it took my parents about 5 minutes to finally figure it out, when my mom finally got it she said "are you telling us you feel like a boy?" And all I could do was nod. They explained to me that they're not too eager to start calling me Adam, or start using male pronouns. But they were more than okay with me wanting to be a boy. They said the only thing they won't support me with is getting testosterone, (they think it's really bad to take unnatural hormones) I kinda expected it, as they pretty much despise western medicine. My brother wasn't as accepting, but he really just doesn't care anymore. And I guess that's better than hating me for it :/

So I had a kinda bittersweet coming out story, but I'm so grateful that my parents accept me. Yes, they still call me by my birth name and still use female pronouns. But they accept me being a boy. And I'm very lucky that they do. :D

Thanks for reading!

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