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14, female, pan

I first found out last year in my school GSA what pansexual was, and it fit. So then I was out to myself and to most of my friends in GSA. I'm sure by now my entire school knows I'm pan.

My second coming out was to my choir. We did this thing where you stood in the middle and said 3 things about you and with each one people stepped closer if they agreed. I said, I am not straight, and then some people stepped in, while others didn't.

Next was my dad, he was talking to me about how he would always be there for me if any of my boyfriends or girlfriends hurt me. Then he just asked, do you like boys or girls? And I said both. But the weirdest thing was when he replied with "I kinda wish you were a lesbian. "

Then I came out to my mom on my birthday, I brought up the definition of pansexual and told her that was me. She was quiet, then asked "where do I stand as a mother on sleepovers?" I said it was up to her. Every now and then she'll ask me random questions. But she said unless I bring a girlfriend over, not to tell her homophobic side of the family. There's a conflict between my moms side who's super religious and homophobic and my dads who's religious but super accepting.

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