Chapter 9 : Midnight

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Listen to They don't know about us by One Direction for this chapter.

Daria's POV

Looking up at the sky, I gaze upon the moon as it struggles to shine through the thick clouds that cover its glow. Out here, without all the city lights, you can actually see the stars as they wink and twinkle at the people on Earth.
I wonder what it would be like - to be free like the stars seem to be...
My thoughts are stopped completely by the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my seventeen years of life: a shooting star races across the sky, it's tail following in it's wake. Really, it doesn't look like a star. Just a ball of magnificent fire, being drifted away by some force... Anyway I couldn't sleep.. Is it because Hayes is not back? I thought as the cool breeze gently combs its fingers through my hair.
I asked one of the body gaurds. He said that they finished the meeting long ago but they have some business to take care of.
I love midnight. It's beautiful.
The sky's color is a magnificent, deep blue. But the most peaceful thing of all is the silence that stares at is from below.
My thoughts were interrupted as the door of the bedroom swang open. I was on the terrace. I turned around and saw Hayes.
His hair was very messy. His shirt was unbuttoned completely showing his six abs.

He looked at me

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He looked at me. His expression was extra cold and bored.
His eyes scanned my body as I totally forgot I was just wearing his t-shirt.
"Umm.. " well this is awkward.
"Why are you still awake? "He said bluntly.
"I couldn't sleep. "
He stared at me then walked into the toilet.
I sighed and sat on the bed.
Then after couple of minutes a blonde guy walked in.
He looked at me and around the room.
He closed the door and walked in front of me.
I raised my eyebrow at him.
"We'll aren't you some hot chick my boss is fucking?" He said smirking.
"Pardon? "I said glaring at him
"Is your name wifi? Because am feeling connection. " he said wiggling his eyebrows . I looked at him in disgust.
Seriously pick up lines?
"What language are you speaking cause it sounds like bullshit." I answered back smirking.

"Austin? What the fuck are you doing in my room?" Hayes cameback wearing only some grey sweatpants.
"Ah.. Boss I was just looking for u and I bumped into this slut here. "Austin said. And my jaw dropped.
The suddenly Hayes threw a punch at him and he flew across the room.
My eyes widened and I stood up.
"Sit."Hayes said in demanding tone. He was so intimidating and seriously I might fight and stuff but from him I am scared.
I am a normal human being but in a fight I am a monster and I forget I have any feelings.
But now you won't even know am a fighter unless I tell u.
"Ever call her that again you will fly across the window not the room. Now out." Hayes said sternly.
I looked up at hayes and he was already staring down at me.
He walked closer so he was between my legs.
He lifted my chin with his finger and I looked up at his grey eyes.
"Why were you flirting with Austin?"
Oh well I-wait what???!!!
"I wasn't flirting with him!Plus it's none of your business!"
Well fuck you.
"How's it with that apartment? "He said glaring.
"Soon." I said glaring back.
"Sleep. " he said and pushed a bit my shoulder so I was now laying.
I grabbed my pillow and hugged it and slept on my side of the bed.
I heard the lights turn off and Hayes lay on the bed.
He put the covers on both of us then followed by silence.
I turned to look at him.
He looked at me.
"Where were-e you? " I asked hesitant.
He put a hair behind my ear and smiled..
He smiled for fuck's sake!!!?!
"Doesn't matter,Gorgeous. Sleep."
I closed my eyes but moved closer to him and laid my head on his arm.
He didn't move though.
Suddenly I felt the need to start a conversation.
"You know.. I love midnights."I blurted out snuggling to his neck. I could drool on his smell. It's so awesomee and hot.
He looked down at me and smirked.
"You saw the shooting star didn't you?" he said his eyes not leaving mine.
"You saw it too!? " I squealed .
He chuckled and nodded.
I smiled and put my hand around his torso.
"Hayes... You smell fuckimg good." I said laughing.
He chuckled and joined in.
"Night gorgeous."
"Night Hayes. "
And with that we both fell asleep.

Hey my loves !! Wasup!! I know this chapter was short but wanted to update as soon as I can for you.

Please comment guys!!!
I really need some support here ❤❤❤
Vote and cmnt. Love u ♥♥

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