Meeting the NightFury

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I awoke to the sound of a rooster, being as loud as possible. I grabbed one of the pillows my head wasn't on and covered my ears. "Eclipse! Wake up!" Halla Hallard (get it, cause her names- nvm) as she barged into my room. She grabbed me by my waist and pulled me out of bed. "Come on, 5 minutes." I said as I grabbed onto the bed. She was pulling on my feet and I was holding onto the bed, unwilling to leave.

"Get up, have some breakfast and have some fun. You still need to get to know everyone." She said as she gave one good tug and I fell onto the floor. "Ouch." I said, but it didn't hurt that bad. "Get up and go outside." She said as she walked out of the room. I staggered to my feet and rubbed my eyes. I walked out of the room and grabbed some food for breakfast.

I finished it quickly and walked out of the hut and saw many, many dragons. I felt something on my back as I got shoved to the ground. Thorn followed me out . . . I doubt Halla would mind if he hung out with me for a day. "You want to meet everyone with me?" I asked him as I scratched behind his ears.

He made a funny noise so I figured that was a yes. I got onto my feet and started walking around, looking for some people about my age. I saw a group of five, they looked very lively. I would bet they're Hiccups friends.

I walked up to them and put a friendly smile onto my face. "Hi, I am Eclipse." I said as I approached them. The blonde girl looked at me, she looked suspicious. It was getting really awkward, no one was speaking, they were just looking at me. Thorn was next to me, and he was even awkward.

It didn't stay that way for long, he ran up to them and tackled the twins. I tried my best not to laugh, then I heard someone coming over. My ears are highly sensitive in both dragon and human form. I can hear from miles away. I turned to the direction the person was coming from.

It was Hiccup, and his NightFury, I looked at the NightFury with awe, he is real! I really am not the only one! Hiccup got into our little awkward group along with the NightFury. "I told you guys to be nice, you can talk to her, she won't bite." He said to them, noticing they were being shy.

Thorn was now playfully attacking the brunette guy that I don't know. "I am Snotlout, nice to meet you, Eclipse." Snotlout said as he tried to get Thorn off of him. "Thorn." I said, and he walked back over to me. "Ruffnut, Tuffnut." Ruffnut said gesturing to her twin.

"Fishlegs." Fishlegs said. "Astrid." The blonde said as she scanned me once again. After a while Hiccup got them to communicate, I don't know why they weren't. I mean, I brought Thorn with me, he is the sweetest thing, and he seems to trusts me. Astrid was being pretty rude towards me, I hope she isn't always this way.

Fishlegs was like a dragon nerd, it was pretty amusing. Ruffnut and Tuffnut are the ones who do jokes and such. Snotlout . . . Anyway, after I met them they went into more normal conversations. Then I snuck out of the group, I want to help Hiccup make my house. Well . . . I wanted to meet his NightFury.

I ran over to where I heard Hiccup's voice, it's not very hard, he has a much different voice from the other Vikings. I was running through the woods, looking for the NightFury. It was then I realized Thorn was still following me. "Thorn you can go home." I said, confused about why he is still following me.

As I continued to listed to 'Thorns' steps, I realized they're a different dragon's, NightFury. I turned around and looked at the NightFury. He stopped with me, then walked forwards to examine me. I heard Hiccup from the distance hollering for him. It was strange though, he wouldn't leave, he was checking me out.

He probably smells my scent of NightFury, and he is curious about it. He made a sound, it's unheard by the Vikings it was too low for human ears to hear. He said, "Who are you." He looked at me from all angles. "I'm Eclipse." I said to him in English.

He looked at me with curiosity, wondering what was going on. "BUD! Get over here!" Hiccup yelled. Toothless looked at me, then towards Hiccup. I started running towards Hiccup, maybe he'll follow me. I reached Hiccup and so did Toothless. Toothless continued giving me a confused look.

"Eclipse? Why are you here?" He asked. "I wanted to help." I said as I walked up to him. "Don't worry, I have enough help." He replied, gesturing to the other Vikings helping him. I walked back to the village, might as well check out the dragon stables. I walked into a building dragons were flying into, figured that was the place.

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