The Bewilderbeast

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I slipped off of the saddle, plummeting towards the freezing cold waters. I screamed as I fell, trying my best not to shift. I watched as Toothless was now diving for me. I could see Hiccup on top of him equally worried. Right when I looked at the water it was just meters away from my head.

Suddenly, last second, Toothless caught me with his paws and flew me back in the direction of Berk. He was holding my right foot, with his front two paws. "Thanks Toothless." I said as I patted his leg. He looked down at me and gave me a friendly smile.

"Hurry Toothless I got to get backup!" Hiccup said as Toothless neared the island. "Eclipse, did Astrid teach you to fight?" He asked. "Yes but-" I started but he cut in. "Good, you are going to help." He said as Toothless landed by the main building.

Hiccup ran off and I crawled out from under Toothless. He smiled at me, then nudged my arm. I smiled at him, knowing he was wanting me to forgive him. "Don't worry, you're forgiven, wasn't your fault." I said as I stroked his neck.

"Everyone, get your weapons and dragons, if this doesn't go well, we'll need them." Hiccup said as he walked around looking really mature. Astrid was next to him, helping assist along with him. "Eclipse, take this, and ride with me." He said as he threw me an axe. I caught it by the handle (Luckily) and looked towards Toothless nervously.

He gave me an expression that meant, 'I won't drop you like I did last time.' I guess that's all I really needed and I got on behind Hiccup. "Astrid, Eclipse and I are going out there first, when one of us makes the call, join us." Hiccup said as Astrid got onto Stormfly.

Toothless flew up into the air and I saw ships, many of them, around fifty, not to mention, there were dragons. The dragons they had with them looked evil, and so did the men. "Drago." Hiccup said to Astrid and I. "I thought he died!" Astrid claimed as we neared the largest of their boats.

"Drago, you know what happened last time, do you really want to lose again?" Astrid asked him as she got off of Stormfly. He chuckled as he looked at Astrid. "You think just because you got a NightFury it'll save yah?" He questioned and laughed. No one replied.

"This is what a real fight is!" he said as he waved his staff in the air, and screamed at the top of his lungs. I was standing near Toothless, not ready for what was going to happen next. A Bewilderbeast, with a broken tusk came from the water, he looked evil. Another Bewilderbeast rose from the water, it looked the same as the other, but it had both tusk and looked younger.

I felt as my face turned a ghostly pale, I watched as Toothless prepared a blast. "I don't think you need dragons." He said, at that moment Astrid had Stormfly shoot a blast towards the sky. The Vikings started shooting fireballs towards the boat, as did their dragons. I dropped my weapon out of nervousness, and forgot to pick it up.

Hiccup and I got onto Toothless as fast as possible, Astrid jumped onto Stormfly. We flew into the sky, Toothless was trying to ignore the Bewilderbeast calling him. Stormfly was having an even more difficult time, "Come on Stormfly, you can make it, don't listen to him." Astrid said. I watched as Stormfly fell into it further and further.

We were almost back to the island, Stormfly stopped flying, Toothless stopped too. Hiccup was covering his dragons ears. Suddenly, Stormfly threw Astrid off of her back, she flew over to the Bewilderbeast along with many others.

I had no choice but to save Astrid, this isn't the way I wanted them to learn about my secret, but its not up to me. I stood up on the dragons back and leaped, head first towards Astrid. One moment I was a normal Viking girl, the next I was a dragon.

Astrid's eyes were closed, scared to hit the cold waters. Time seemed to be slowing down, each of us only yards away from the water. I sped up and flapped my wings harder, she was frozen cold, I hoped she would be okay . . . I got below her, the water touching my feet, I had my back directly below her and she fell upon it.

I swooped upwards back towards Toothless. Astrid was holding onto me, using my neck as something to hold on with. I got back up, I was now directly in front of Toothless. "Toothless, ignore them, you don't need to fall into their commands."

Ten of the fifty boats were sunk, the Bewilderbeasts were slowly gaining our dragons into their commands. I saw Hiccups mom leading the people as she was on her dragon Cloud Jumper. "I-I can't, it's too hard!" he said. "Look at me Toothless, don't do it, you have a choice." I said to him.

He opened his eyes, revealing his lovely green eyes. "H-how can y-you not . . ." He started before squeezing his eyes closed. "You just have to ignore them!" I told him . . . Although I was lying. Shifters cannot be controlled by Bewilderbeasts, they are part human so they ignore it.

I watched as his eyes opened back up, his pupils were small slits. "Toothless!" I yelled. Astrid was still cold on my back, unable to process. I'm pretty sure she got a glimpse of me when I dove down to get her. I watched Drago lead the yonger Bewilderbeast to get Toothless.

I grabbed Hiccup with my feet as Toothless flew towards the Bewilderbeast. Drago, who was on the Bewilderbeasts back, got onto Toothless once he was there. "Where's Eclipse?" Hiccup questioned. I looked down at him, he was holding onto my foot. I threw Hiccup infront of me, then flew forwards and he landed on my back, behind Astrid.

I flew straight for land, flying so fast Hiccup was barely holding on. Cloud Jumper soon fell into the Bewilderbeasts control and Hiccups mom landed on Berk, she wasn't very high up. I landed on Berk, Hiccup helped Astrid off and helped her out.

The other Vikings saw me, noticing I wasn't Toothless, they got curious. "We got to go!" I said, but Hiccup would hear something like 'Rawawrrrr.'

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