Just a Little Exercise

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Eclipse's POV

"I thought you said this would be easy!" I said, racing around the room for the twelfth time. The room was giant, and my wings were aching badly. "Oh, please. I did at least fifty laps before you came," she replied, smiling at my pain. Every push my wings were making was painful, fifty of these?! I'd die before then.

"Oh, c'mon, get at least twenty. Then we'll start our real work out," she said. She better be kidding, because I'm considering actually attacking her right now. "WHAT?! Twenty whole- you're trying to kill me," I said, finally getting thirteen laps.

"Nah, I don't need you to die, but I do need you to get over the mental game your brain puts up. Your body could go forever, it's your brain that wants you to quit." She replied.

"No, I'm pretty sure my body wants me to quit as well," I replied. My whole body ached. I want to die.

She laughed at my comment. "You're good, come over here and land." She said, ushering me over. I dived over there as fast as I could. "Thank gods!" I said, legitimately collapsing on the ground in front of her. My chest heaved. "Get up, time to get started." She said, walking off.

"I need at least ten minutes." I replied, trying to catch my breath.

"No you don't, c'mon." She replied, turning around so she faced me. "What are we doing today?" I asked, heaving myself up onto my legs.

"Ground attacks," she replied, lunging at me. I ducked down, watching as she sailed over me. I had a little more experience on the ground. 

"You should at least give me a little warning you're going to start!" I replied, still breathing heavily. "Does the enemy ever warn you about anything? You've got to be ready for everything." She said, leaping towards me again.

She caught me off guard and pressed my back against the ground. My wings were both outstretched beside me. I kicked her using my back legs. She fell off of me, and we continued doing this for a while. I was beyond exhausted when we finished, I didn't even think 'finishing' was a possibility with her. She's far too interested in continuing to fight until it's absolutely perfect.

Many weeks have passed, and she continued to fight me and teach me how. I've been slightly separated from the rest of the gang, but I knew they'd be fine here. This is probably the only place that is halfway safe from David.

"So Eclipse, have you decided on what you want to do? You've definitely taken your time on deciding," Luna commented, lying down by the lake. The fish looked up at her in curiosity. 

"Well, not really . . . I mean, if I did agree, wouldn't a Bewilderbeast be able to take control of me? And I wouldn't be able to talk to the Vikings like I enjoy doing. I would no longer be myself, I'd be pure dragon." I sighed, sitting down near her.

"Yep, but if you did become a dragon, your senses would be better. Not to mention, you could fly around as much as you wish. Eclipse, I'm sorry if this is hard to understand, but your human form died the night I saved you. When you shift you're only showing a skin you couldn't keep hold of. It was the only way to save you, although I wish it could've been different." She placed her head onto her paws.

I closed my eyes and tilted my head downwards. I could either stay as half human and half viking, but be chased by David the rest of my life; or I could let her change me and be safe from David, but be vulnerable to Bewilderbeasts. Sure, they're not very common, but with David having such an army, we can never be very sure.

"Luna, if you were in my situation, what would you do?" I asked, turning towards her. She closed her eyes for a while, before meeting mine. "Eclipse, I'm not sure what I would do if I had this problem. You wouldn't even be facing this problem if you were changed fully that night. I know you love your little Viking friends, but dragons are just as good. And you know, I think they'll be with you no matter what choice you choose in the end." She mused, looking towards the rippling water.

I sighed, lowering my head onto my paws. I felt indecision filling my mind. What do I do?

(I haven't proofread over this yet, so please don't hate on me [that's a lie now, freeshavacado])

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