The Only One

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I flew into the air, charging after the young Bewildebeast. I shot a shot, hitting him right in the eye, surely blinding his left eye. His eye immediately started to bleed, Drago saw me, uncontrolled by his Bewilderbeasts. He started yelling and aimed his staff towards me. The older Bewilderbeast tried to control me, the younger one shot blasts of ice towards me.

Toothless was being ridden by Drago, Drago was flying straight towards me, preparing to hurt me. I was charging towards him, twice as fast as he was coming towards me. I felt no aches in my wings, all I was focused on was winning, and saving my new friends.

Toothless shot at me, I dived under it. I then started flying directly under Toothless. Drago had no idea what I was doing, he couldn't get Toothless in a good position to shoot me.

Soon, I had enough of the games and sped up, I went upwards and flipped in the air. I pointed in the same direction they were going. Drago looked at me and suddenly knew what I was doing, he started yelling again and called on his Bewilderbeasts. I grabbed Drago with my back two paws and grabbed Toothless's tail with my mouth and flew towards Berk.

The weight added to me made the flight less straight forward, I was holding more weight than I weighed. I kept going trying to get Toothless and Drago to land. I threw Drago onto the land infront of Astrid who was no longer frozen in shock. I set Toothless down gently besides Hiccup.

I flew back up and flew towards the Bewilderbeasts.

Hiccups POV

That WAS Eclipse, I was still in shock, but not as much as Astrid was. She was such a talented flyer . . . I now understand why she didn't like riding Toothless though. She was flying straight for the young Bewilderbeast, what was she thinking? She was all alone, all of the other dragons were part of his team, which most of the dragons were attacking our Vikings.

She shot a blast, it went right into the Bewilderbeasts other eye, she was blinding them, they'd surely give up in that case. I was stroking Toothless's head, trying to get him to get out from the control of the Bewilderbeasts. I started cooing to him, hoping he would fall out of this trance they had him in.

Eclipse's POV

The younger Bewilderbeast cried from the pain that was inflicted into him. Drago looked and started screaming and swinging his staff. Astrid hit him hard in the head to keep him from doing something. It only made him pass out, but he would be fine, for now.

I shot two hard shots at his face, he fell backwards into the deep waters. He stood back up, bleeding way too much for him to live. Suddenly I realized how many boats were left, around thirty five, I didn't have enough time to count.

Arrows started being shot towards me, along with nets, I must have been in shooting distance. I went around each arrow and net coming for me, I was flying towards the other Bewilderbeast, hoping to win against him.

It was a almost no chance of me winning though, I only a few blasts left, and I needed to cool down. I looked at the older eviler looking Bewilderbeast. "Surrender or face defeat." I told him. I wasn't close enough for him to get an easy attack, but I was low to the boats.

He laughed at me, I would too if I was in his shoes, me, a NightFury with a few plasma blasts left. I took both shots, attempting to hit his eyes, he knew what was coming and blew a bunch of ice to deflect the shot. My mouth was open in disbelief, I am now losing, as if I wasn't already.

I felt as something wrapped itself around me, I noticed a net around my left wing. I started flapping frantically I flew back towards the island hoping for safety. I was going down, and fast. I watched as Toothless sped over with Hiccup, I was spinning in circles, having a very hard time.

I looked at Toothless, he got low and bit onto the ropes holding onto my wing. He clawed them off as soon as possible. I raised my left wing and started flapping it again, in sync with my right. "Thanks!" I said to Toothless and Hiccup although Hiccup wouldn't understand. I had no idea what I was going to do, all of my shots were used up. I needed to recharge, which would take a while.

"Keep trying to shoot, maybe it'll work!" Toothless said in a hopeful way. He flew behind me, both of us going for the Bewilderbeast. Once I was in shooting distance, I attempted to shoot at the Bewilderbeast.

All that came out was a small purple spark. The Bewilderbeast chuckled and prepared a blast against me. I turned and flew back towards Toothless and Hiccup. I heard as he shot the blast, it was the last thing I did hear.

Toothless POV

THE BEWILDERBEAST SHOT HER! SHE'S TRAPPED IN ICE! I flew over as fast as I could. I shot blasts at the ice, trying to crack it open. I shot way more than I should've been able to. I landed on the ice and continued to shoot, Hiccup took off his fake leg and tried to pry open the crack.

I started shooting histerically towards the Bewilderbeast, it losing dragons on its side. They flew back over towards me and started helping me by shooting the Bewilderbeast. More and more joined me, then Drago woke up, and started yelling insanely. I wondered why Astrid wasn't there watching him. . . Then I saw her approaching from the crowd of Vikings.

I continued to shoot towards the Bewilderbeast. "NOO!" Drago yelled as he started doing his yell again. I continued shooting, hopping to take him down before he got to me. My vision was turning red and blurry, I tried to wipe my eyes to clear it.

I was about to lose it, then I heard a little voice in the back of my head, "You don't have to listen to him." My vision cleared as I thought of Eclipse. "YOU STUPID FLYING LIZARD, CAN'T YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT?!" Drago yelled as he got tackled by many of the Vikings. The rest of the dragons continued shooting the Bewilderbeast. The Bewilderbeast gave a gruesome scream as he fell backwards into the water.

The water splashed everywhere, he didn't reappear at the top. The Vikings would surely take care of Drago, the rest of the dragons would get the fleeing ships, but I, I would help Eclipse.

Eclipse's POV

I felt as something warm surrounded me. My first thought was fire, my eyes opened quickly as I realized Toothless was there, melting off the rest of the ice.

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