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Eclipse POV

We landed on Berk, Astrid and Stormfly walked off. I started walking towards my hut that was a little ways away. Toothless followed right next to me. I had no clue where Hiccup had gone, he just wondered off.

"Toothless, what's up?" I asked him in a sweet tone.

"I-I am not sure . . . I don't know what your meaning . . ." He replied.

"I'm meaning about you and Hiccup. You ditch him like you don't know him and you don't care about him." I said stopping and turning towards him.

"I don't know . . . I had a weird inner feeling and felt threatened. You're the only one I seemed to trust." He looked at me, and stopped.

I stopped too, I had confusion written all over me. "Do you remember when we were at the lake?" I asked, wanting to have some of his memories come up.

"Yes." He replied.

"Do you remember what happened right after it?"

"I remember you ran off and I did too."

"Yes, but why did we run off?" I asked.

"Because . . . One of us got nervous?" He said in a strange undecided voice.

"No. . . Do you not remember what happened? You healed from a fight."

"It was a horrible feeling by the way, my whole body ached." He said.

"What did I do?" I mumbled.

"Lets go get some fish." I said, changing the subject. We walked up to the dragon feeders and I grabbed as much as my mouth could fill. I swallowed them down and waited for Toothless to finish.

After a few minutes we finished, and I walked towards my hut. As I walked in, I saw Toothless walk in right behind me. "Ugh . . . What are you doing?" I asked him, as he walked in and went over to explore my house.

"Looking." He replied, hitting a vase to the ground.

"That's what you call looking?" I asked, if I was in human form my eyebrow would be raised.

After a while of exploring he walked over to my bed and hopped on. "Toothless . . . You don't live here . . ." I said. He completely ignored me, so I walked into the bathroom and shifted. Once I was in my human form, I stumbled over to get my clothes that were in the bathroom with me.

"Its been forever since I've been in human form." I said as I threw them on. I tripped over my own feet and caught myself. "Why do you go into your human form when its just more difficult?" Toothless asked, walking over and rubbing himself against me like a cat.

I ignored him and laid down on my bed. He laid down next to me, I rolled and faced the other direction. "Why." I mumbled falling into the world of dreams.

Once morning rolled around, I rolled over. Only to get a Nightfury face right in front of me. His eyes opened and I hopped off of the bed in surprise. "Toothless . . . Why are you- ugh." I cut myself off, and walked out of the house. Toothless didn't follow me that time.

"This is something weird, and I am just going to have to get used to." I walked over to Hiccup's hut. "Eclipse!" I heard a voice from behind me call, as they reached over and their hand was on my shoulder. "Yes Hiccup?" I asked, seeing his distressed face.

"Guess who is back!" He said in one breath, then gasped for air. Guess he had been running. "Who?" I asked. "David, Sam is distracting him though, we have to get you as far away as possible!" Hiccup said, shooing me towards the forest.

"I can help!" I said, trying to get out of his arms. "NO, Eclipse, go!" Hiccup demanded, continuing to shove me on. "But what about all of the vikings?" I asked. "Eclipse, why do they even matter to you? You aren't even one of us!" He blurted out. I stopped moving and turned to face him.

He had realized what he had said and his facial expression became guilty. "You know what Hiccup! IT'S NOT MY FAULT! IT'S THAT STUPID DRAGON THAT HAD TO REVIVE ME, OKAY! SO YOU CAN GO ON AND KEEP IGNORING ME AND TREATING ME LIKE A PIECE OF TRASH! ALL I WAS TRYING TO DO WAS BE HELPFUL!" I yelled back, and started backing away which turned into a sprint.

"NO, ECLIPSE WAIT!" He called, chasing after me. "YOU DON'T DESERVE TOOTHLESS! NO WONDER HE DOESN'T LISTEN TO YOU! YOU'RE A JERK! A COMPLETE JERK!" I quickened up my sprint and disappeared from his view.

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