Playing it Off

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Eclipse POV

"We were not kissing! We were just . . ." I stood still searching for words. "Sucking each other's lips?" Stormfly said. "Yes! No, I mean no, stop putting ideas into my head!" I barked at her. I flew off, and heard Toothless come out of the woods.

Toothless POV

"Hey guys." I said, and looked at all of them. They looked at me, and just walked off . . . Hmm weird, there they went, back to their Vikings. I could swear, I kept hearing my name being said. But whenever I asked, they pretended I hadn't said anything.

Then Hiccup came up to me, "Listen bud, you're my best friend, don't leave me. I can't imagine not having you as my pal, please forgive me." I looked at him, his eyes bold and sad at the same time. I said, "maybe" but to him I probably just made a gurgling sound. He hugged me around my neck, and I tackled him down.

Eclipse POV

That dream kept repeating itself in my head, there were a few details I couldn't quite remember which was bothering me. If this dream was a prophecy or whatever, I need to know what I need to do to keep it from happening. I just couldn't let something like that happen.

Just then I felt a cold stream going down my face, I quickly raised my arm and wiped it off. "Dragon's don't cry." I said mentally frustrated. My head continued to rant, although I was wanting peace and quiet. It continued to say things like, 'I can't believe Stormfly was watching,' and other thoughts I had at the time.

"You know it's going to happen no matter your thoughts on it."

"Not you again, shut up." I said hearing the familiar poison dripping voice.

"Fine, but it's not like I hadn't warned you."

Toothless POV

Well, Hiccup and I got reunited, Eclipse wandered off, everyone is minding themselves. It was almost too perfect . . . OH! Here's Stormfly! I walked over to her and we both started playing around, and Astrid and Hiccup started talking to each other. Wait a second . . . Who am I kidding? This IS too perfect . . . WHERE'S ECLIPSE?!

Strutting into the forest and leaving them behind I started my trail towards the wandering she-dragon. "Eclipse." I looked around, searching for her shadow.

Eclipse POV

I still can't believe she would do that. Not to mention that she told everyone.

Are creatures here really that cruel? I kicked around some rocks laying on the ground. "Stupid dragons . . . Stupid Stormfly . . . Staying at my old place was way better than going here . . ."

I started kicking the ground around me, then I hit my foot onto something hard in the ground. I was confused so I looked down at the ground. Nothing was there other than the hard ground- wait whats- a cage fell down onto me. I pressed something that triggered a cage.

I jumped in surprise, then I lashed out onto the bars, and tried to make myself an escape hole. I scraped with my teeth and clawed with my nails trying to get out. Before I could make even the tiniest change, the bars shocked me back. I fell onto the ground, unable to move or process anything. A bolt of electricity deactivated my brain for about thirty seconds. Once I could move again, I looked around myself.

"I know you're here! And I am not scared of you! I am not scared of anything!" I yelled out, the sound echoing all around me. "Boss, looks like we got ourselves a- wait . . . Boss you might want to see this!" I looked for the source of the voice seeing a large tall man. I got into a defensive position and started hissing towards them.

"What is it?" The boss said, finally entering the clearing. His eyes widened once he saw me, my brain wanted me to cower at the sights of him. I stayed tall and looked him dead in the eyes, prepared to hurt him.

He had large muscles, he was a normal height, and he had a few scars tracing over his arms. He held with him, a rope, most likely made of leather with metal spikes. It was tightly bundled together and it was tied to his belt. He also had a decently sharpened sword, by the smell of it, its iron.

"This one will be fun." He said, coming closer to the cage, "I am your new owner."

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