The Final Battle (Part Two)

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Luna's POV

The Snaptrapper, Skrill and Speed Stingers raced over towards us to join the fight. The Speed Stingers ran effortlessly over the water, so quickly that they could seem like they were flying. Of course, the Snaptrapper and Skrill made their way over towards the rest of us much faster.

I continued firing towards the ships, knowing the other dragons were likely out of fire. I have experience with fighting, so I know how to give myself a few more blasts in the end. I spotted the largest ship, which was also the most dangerous. That would obviously be where my son is, him being the type of person that needs all that attention.

I pounded down on the air, flapping my wings with more momentum. I raced towards the ship, not paying attention to the other ships. I was flying low, but it was so I could get a good hit on them. I have no other choice, seeing as Eclipse hasn't gotten out here yet.

I growled deep in my throat preparing to shoot at the ship. I was done with my son abusing not only humans, but dragons as well. I came in close to the ship, beginning to spin in tight circles as I neared. I prepared a shot in my throat, and shot at the last second. I was preparing to pull in my wings so I could fly through the hole. At the last moment, I realized the ship didn't take damage. I gasped in shock, how could a ship of all things become able to block shots from a dragon?

I turned as quickly as I could, which caused me to end up having to flap my wings as I ran along the side of the ship. I pushed myself off, flying back into the air. I flew up, getting a good look down at the fight. Now that I really looked, it seemed that this ship was slightly a blue-green hue.

A few other ones out here were the same way. Perhaps all of them are able to defend against shots from dragons. I growled under my breath, spotting my son standing on the deck of the ship. I shot in his direction, watching as a shield in his hand blocked the shot. They shouldn't be this strong, we could be in a lot of trouble.

The other dragon riders are out taking down ships, I'll have to deal with my son. I have to provide some type of help!

Toothless's POV

They were getting too close to the shore, some had already landed. We were in danger. I stopped obeying Hiccup, I have to do what I have to do. I flew towards the land and telepathically communicated to the rest of the dragons around us. I sent them an SOS message.

The only reason why I can do that is because I defeated the Bewilderbeast back a while ago. I heard some deep sea dragons burble back, and watched as a few more dragons came to our assistance. I couldn't reach out to that many dragons because I wasn't able to focus all too well.

Seeing as we have at least this many helping us though, I think we might be okay in the end. The dragons had no idea what to do when they came across the boats that were dragon proof, I hope someone figures out what to do in this situation.

I turn back to the building, trying to spot Eclipse. Hopefully she's okay, she needs to wake up. If she's not awake for much longer, she could very possibly be dead. I don't want to receive that news either. I was set and determined to keep her alive, so I'll be the factor in the way. I landed on the beach, and Hiccup immediately hopped off.

He pulled out his fire sword, and prepared to fight. I ran off on all fours, and began taking out one enemy at a time. Their weapons were too dull to pierce my scales. I fought hoards of them at a time, all coming at me to attack. I was at a disadvantage due to me not being able to fly without my rider, because he changed my tail back to speed.

I continued fighting, even if I might be taken down. I'm not leaving the group with less than my best. If I go down, I go down giving it my all. One way or another.

Sam's POV

I set up an explosion on the ship, and watched as the female Nightfury was coming back for my rescue. I leap off of the ship, landing back onto her back. I immediately reach down and hold on for dear life. She pounds her wings as she begins to fly away, and I turn around to watch as the ship explodes from the inside. The whole thing begins to sink.

"YES!" I cheer, finally finding the ship's weak spot. The bottom of the boat doesn't seem to have the same dragon proof material over it, but bombing each one from the inside is going to take a long time, and a lot of effort. I throw my fists in the air nonetheless, and hold onto the Nightfury with my legs.

She gurgled, seeming to be excited that I figured out how to get rid of the more difficult ships. I smiled to myself, I'm glad they're not completely invinsible.

I'll have to talk to Fishlegs, surely after I talk to him he'll get an idea and put it to work. I excitedly ask the Nightfury I'm riding to take me to him. She flies with ease towards him, and I explain my discovery, and watch as he makes some calculations about it.

We're high off of the ground, and far off from the ships, resulting on them being unable to fire in our direction.

Astrid's POV

Once I got the twins back in order, and everyone seemed to be focusing on the fight, I flew in to join. I jumped onto the ship, leaving Stormfly back. She'll handle the next one over, while I try to take the men out on this one.

I swung my double sided axe around as I fought with the men. Why were they all guys? Once again, a very sexist crew. Not a surprise though, counting that they were going to lose either way. Wouldn't want to sacrifice females as it seems apparently.

I smirked, knowing I had this fight down; they wouldn't be able to cover themselves fast enough. I was too quick on my feet for any of them, but I'll enjoy watching them try to fight.

Hiccup's POV

"SNOTLOUT! YOU'RE GOING TO GET YOURSELF KILLED! GET OUT OF THEIR RANGE!" I hollered at the ignorant idiot. I sighed, watching as he put his arms behind his head as Hookfang continued to fight. They were in the air, both of them being just as dumb as the next.

I was tired of watching them basically try to get killed. "SNOTLOUT YOU HAVE TO DODGE!" I yelled once more, I heard Toothless grumble. "I'm fine, Hiccup!" He hissed back, and I watched as Snotlout got wrapped up in a net that they shot out towards him.

Snotlout immediately realized that maybe he should've listened to my words. He started falling towards the ship that shot out towards him. Toothless dived down, and grabbed Hookfang by the net, and flew him back to shore.

"Snotlout," I began scolding as we landed on the ground. "If you're going to pretend our lives aren't at stake and not even attempt to care, you can stay here. I'm done with you putting the rest of the team at risk because of your lack of effort!" I growled out at him, tired of the way he's acted.

Eclipse's POV (here we go)

A shock seemed to continue running up and down my body, sending a chill throughout the air around me. I felt heavy, yet at the same time, light as air. It was strange how my body was seeming to change in just moments.

My hearing seemed more sensitive than before, and I couldn't feel my human side any longer. I opened my eyes to reveal my bright blue irises. I was still in the training room. I stood up without too much difficulty, and regained the memories of the war that was starting. I had to join in, whether I knew what to do or not.

I stumbled over towards the large door, wondering what my brother was going to think most of all. He was the person that always supported me when I had no one else, so if I lose him, I'll basically only have Toothless because the rest don't understand me. This wasn't gonna be a phase, mom.

I can't think like that now-- all of them are here because of me, because of my mess. I have to end this one way or another, and I have a few ideas on how. I just need to get close enough to him.

The only problem I was having at the moment, was the intensified senses, and my lack of balance. Perhaps my body just wasn't yet physically prepared for that yet.

//HOLY FRIGGIN' HECK GUYS! THIS STORY HAS REACHED #2 IN RANKINGS FOR DRAGONSHIFTER! I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW HAPPY I AM! Holy heck! Thank you guys so much! I love all of you guys, and I wanted to just thank you for reading all of this stuff I wrote! I figured this would just be a trashy story I'd end up tossing off again, but you guys showed me differently! Hekk! I love you guys! The e n d is n e a r...//

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