Chapter 1

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This is the worst month to move and switch schools. This is the worst place to move. Who wants to move to a small town where everyone knows everyone in the middle of junior year. Worst part being it's January so all the main breaks are over.

I may sound like a normal high school student, but let me just correct you now, I'm not. I grew up with my mom and dad (okay that part is normal). The only difference is my dad was a CIA agent. One of the best actually. He had a lot of enemies though which put my mom and I constantly in danger. So he put me into intense training. I was a black belt in karate within a year. It takes normal people about 5. I was certified to own a gun at age 9.

My dad wanted me to be able to handle myself. It's weird now how silly all of that sounds to me. My dad died when I was ten on the job. It's been weird the last 7 years without him. My mom has tried and all, but she just isn't the same. Part of her died that terrible day also. Even though my mom and I’s lives are no longer in danger I still keep up with the intense training my dad taught me.

I can take just about any guy I needed to. Which came in handy when living in the Big Apple. There are some really weird people there that's for sure. I will really miss it though. I lived in the same house my whole life, but my mom just decided we needed a new start, away from all the stuff that reminded us of my dad.

So here I am in this small town in Tennessee. Let's just say I am not a country girl. I like being able to walk a block and there being a Starbucks. From what I have heard there isn't one until the next town over. That alone made me want to cry.

With the money my dad made a year though, I had the money to buy a nice car and afford the gas that went with it. I own a black Mustang. I absolutely love this car. With this car I can go to Starbucks whenever I want.

The house we are currently moving into is a two story house. I know this seems odd because it's just my mom and I, but I'm planning on using one of the 3 bedrooms upstairs for my workout room. My mom will be sleeping at the end of the hall in one of the masters and I was going to be across from the workout room. We each had our own bathrooms. And on the rare occasion we had people sleeping over there was a guessed bedroom downstairs.

“Did you find everything you need for school tomorrow?” My mom shouted from her room.

“Yes.” I yelled back.

I was dreading tomorrow. I didn't want to go to school. I was going to be the new kid. That wasn't something I was used to.

Tomorrow morning when my alarm went off I cursed, this was it. I had already snoozed my alarm five times leaving me with only 30 mins to get ready. I slowly rolled out of bed barley saving myself from face planting.

I walked over to my dresser where I had the outfit I picked out laying there.

I don't always wear just black, but I was just going with it today

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I don't always wear just black, but I was just going with it today. I jumped in my car and drove off to the high school which wasn't too hard to find. There wasn't much in this town anyway.

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