Chapter 16

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Marie's P.O.V

I finally know exactly how to escape. I formed a plan over the last few hours and might I just add...IT'S GENIUS.

First things first though. I need to knock John out. That's the first phase and the hardest one. John won't put his guard down around me. At least not very easily. I have a plan, I just hope he is gullible enough to believe it.

"How's my little ray of sunshine this morning?" John said walking in.

"I'm alright." I shrugged.

"You are?" He said raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I mean it's kinda cool to finally be living with you. Although I wish the circumstances were different." I smiled.

I couldn't be my regularly sacastic self. He has to buy this. If he doesn't...well I can't think about it.

"When did you ever want to live with me?" He asked suspiously.

"Are you kidding?! Back when we used to train weekly instead of monthly I always thought it would be cool to live with you. To wake up in the morning and train. Have you take me to school. It sounded awesome." I explained.

"Really? Why would you want to live with me and train daily? Last time I checked you hated training 60 percent of the time." He argued.

That was true. I used to be really sour when it came to training, especially right after my dad died.

"Well I couldn't make it look like I was enjoying it. That would totally ruin my rep." I stated.

"Your rep, huh?" He laughed.

Okay I think he's buying it so far. It's now or never.

"So do you remember that afternoon you took me to the lake and we spent the whole day there?" I smiled.

"Yeah, the day after your dad left. You were so sad."

"And you took me there and told me that everything was going to be okay. That in the end I would survive. You got my mind off of it. Even if it was for just one day. Thank you." I smiled although I was tearing up.

"Marie, I am sorry for what I am putting you through. It's just... my life depends on finding your dad and getting those files back." He confessed.

I know I should hate John, but shouldn't I hate my dad, too? I mean they both hurt me. John's trying to find my dad, who abandoned me and my mother. Even though they both have done stuff to hurt me, I can't bring myself to hate them.

John is just trying to stay alive. I get that his methods suck, but I understand.

"John we all do what we have to do." I said pulling him for a hug.

I'm sorry.

That's what I thought just before I grabbed the gun out of his waist band.

"We all do what we have to do. And I have to save my family." I said pointing the gun at him.

"I'm sorry John. And when I do find my dad, I will try to save you to. But right now, I need to save my family." I stated.

"I thought I was part of your family." He said saddly.

"You left that the second you kidnapped my mother." I stated before walking away.

Like I said before I will kill anyone who tries to get in my way of saving my family. I meant it, but if I don't have to kill them I won't.

Once I was out the door, the coast was clear so far. I turned the corner and quickly came back.

There were at least 10 guards out there. I had to stop them from chasing me. Once they are down I have to run.

I turned the saftey off the gun and quickly loaded it.

Turning around, I pointed the pistol at the first guards leg. I quickly shot and then went to the next guard and so on.

All ten guards were soon on the ground.

I ran as fast as I could past them making sure not to get shot myself.

This process continued until the last hallway. The door was less than 10 ft from me. There was only a couple of guards by the door and they were having an arguement over what superhero was better, Batman or Superman.

"Dude Batman is so cool that he doesn't need super powers to be a superhero." The tall brunette guard said.

"Dude superman can shoot lazers from his eyes. He is way better than some regular weak human." The shorter blond said.

As they continued there arguement, I watched carefully waiting for them to turn there backs on the door. Once they did I ran as fast as I could out of the house and down the street.

"Hey!" One of them yelled.


I heard the shot, but I also felt it. It hit me in my left shoulder.

As much as I wanted to scream in pain and fall to the ground I couldn't. I had to find my mom.

I bulleted down the street and continued to look back ever couple seconds to make sure I wasn't being followed.

I looked back one more time just before I ran into something knocking me and what I ran into over.

"Mom?" I asked dumbfounded when I saw who I ran into.

"Marie?! How...when...What?" She asked just as confused as I was.

"Mom no time we have to get our of here." I said standing up and helping her up.

"Marie your hurt!" She noticed.

"I know Mom, but we have to get out of here."

I dragged my mom as fast as I could out of there. I had to get more ammo for the gun. Or just a better gun in general. The best thing is I know a place to get it where John doesn't.

I ran over to a forest that was by our house, but made sure I didn't go anywhere near my house.

"Marie where are we going? Isn't the house the opposite way?" My mom asked as I continued to drag her.

"Mom we can't go home that's the first place that they will look." I stated.

"Well than where are we going?"

"To get weapons, ammo, and money." I stated.

I continued pulling my mom until we arrivved at a huge tree in the middle of the small forest.

I quickly moved a huge chuck of bark and out popped my emergeny stash.
Another one of the great things my dad taught me.

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