Chapter 8

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Hope you guys are enjoying the book! Comment your thoughts for me! It would really mean a lot. Enjoy!

I quickly walked out of the room and into my room determined to figure out where my mom is and how my dad could be alive.

“Marie, what’s going on?” Phoenix asked following me.

I ignored his question and went straight into my walk in closet. There was a lever o a pair of pink heels I would never in a million years wear. I pulled it and a self moved revealing a secret room.

“What is this?” Phoenix asked.

“It’s a CIA room. It was put in here in case of emergencies.” I explained.


“Look my dad is or was...I’m not...he was a CIA agent. One of the best. He taught me how to fight.” I explained struggling to find the words.

“Was?” Phoenix whispered more to himself than me.

“My dad died on the job when I was ten. Or at least that’s what I thought. He faked his death.” I explained hoping saying it out loud would help me better understand, it didn’t.

“What?” He said still not comprehending.

Not that I can really blame him for not understanding. I didn’t even understand it myself.

“Look I’ll explain more in a little while, okay? For now just be quiet.’

I walked over to the side of the room and began typing on the touch screen keyboard. I typed in a bunch of codes until a video call started.

“Ms. Heart? I didn’t expect you to call.” The man in a crisp black suit explained.

I haven’t seen his black hair and dark eyes in a couple of weeks. He was about in his late 30’s. He is like family to my mom and I. He was my dad’s partner.

“John, we have a problem.”

I tried to explain to John calmly what happened. Let’s just say that wasn’t easy. He is however on his way over. He was the one that set up this room in case I needed him. He knew I would never use it if not necessary.

“Wait you’re part of the CIA?!”

“Not exactly, I have a contact with them because of my dad. He had a lot of enemies. This place is just a simple safety precaution.” I explained.

He sat there dumbfounded for what felt like ages before he finally spoke. “So what exactly happened that you needed to call the CIA for?” He asked.

“Here read this.” I said handing him the letter and exiting the room.

It wouldn’t take long for John to get here. His base is in the city. Ten minutes away, max. That’s another reason my mom wanted to move here. To be within a safe distance of John. he was like a brother to my dad. Which made him very close to my mom and I.

“What exactly are you planning on doing?” Phoenix asked suspiciously.

“Going to save my mom.” I said in a ‘duh’ tone.

“What? But your mom specifically told you not to?!”

“I can’t just let her be kidnapped. I have to save her. It’s my responsibility. My dad trusted me to keep her safe.” I explained.

“Fine, I’m coming with you.” He stated.

“What? No you are not!” I told him.

“You can’t go alone! Plus I can beat you in a fight.”

“You beat me one time.” I said rolling my eyes.

“You can’t stop me.” He smirked.

“Ugh! I won’t be alone. I have John. Plus you haven’t been trained.” I stated trying to come up with reasons for him to stay out of this.

“Have you been trained?” He asked.

“When I was younger, yeah. I’m a black belt and I am legally allowed to hold a gun.” I explained.

“What?! How?!”

“The CIA has there ways.”

*Ding *Dong

I quickly opened the door and invited John inside.

“Everything is left untouched?” He asked after we did the introductions.

“For the most part. I noticed a picture out of place. I went to fix it and this letter popped out. I explained handing it to him.

“You want to go after her, don’t you?” John asked worriedly.

“John, you’ve known me long enough to know that there is no stopping me from going after my mom. My dad trusted me to protect her!” I explained getting teary eyed.

“Marie, look I know.” John said grabbing my shoulders.

“Wait, my dad! Did he really fake his death?” I asked.

“I don’t know Marie. You know the CIA even if he did, only certain people would be allowed to know.” He sighed.

“So you think he could be a possibility?!” I concluded.

“I think there might be a possibility.” He nodded.

OH MY GOODNESS! My dad could be alive?! I...I can’t even process this. If my dad was alive, would I be happy? I mean that would mean he abandoned me. Then again MY DAD WOULD BE ALIVE! But, what about all the tears shed and time mourned over his death. Why would he leave us?

“We have to find my mom.” I stated determinedly.

If my dad did leave us, would he really go save my mom? I couldn’t risk it.

“Okay I’ll have my best team on it. We will sweep the house for anything and everything. That should be done in about 48 hours.”

“Good, if I don’t hear from you by then, I’m going to investigate on my own.”

I trust John completely, but I know he wishes I wouldn’t get involved.

“Fine, but until then, go to school. I someone is trying to find you then you need to stick to normal routines. Don’t give them a reason to investigate you further. Is there someplace else you can stay?”

“Yes, with her best friend also known as my sister and I.” Phoenix answered for me.

“Alright, you’ll stay with Phoenix. First let me give you some supplies.” He stated walking upstairs.

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