Chapter 17

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I grabbed the black duffle bag I had in there. It was equip with guns, ammo, money, and first aid. As much as wanted to wait till I later I had to wrap my arm.

"Mom can you help me?" I asked pulling off my shirt.

I didn't care cause we were in the middle of the woods, plus I have been shot.

"Sure Honey. You got any tweezers in there?"

"Uh... Why do we need those?"

"Honey you can't just leave the bullet in there." She stated.

I knew she was right but I didn't want to take it out. I knew it would hurt.

"Mooommm." I whined.

"Don't 'mooomm' me, I am doing what's best for you." She stated firmly holding her hand out for the tweezers.

I sighed defeatly and opened the bag pulling out the tool that has always been my enemy. Although it does make my eyebrows look good.

"Good, now just breath for me, this will hurt, but only for a minute." She warned and stuck it into the wound.

I whimpered in pain and clenched my fist tightly digging my nails into my skin.

"Marie I know it hurts, but it has to come out." My mom explained.

"Mom...Just...Get it out! Please." I said in pain.

She finally hanked it out and I screamed in pain.

"Got it." She smiled.

Once it was finally wrapped up, we were off. I decided to stop at the nearest Walmart to get the burn phone. That wasn't too far of a walk. Then called Phoenix on the way to the nearest trainstation via taxi.



"Marie?! Thank God! I have been worried sick. Are you okay? Did you find your mom?" He bombarded me with questions.

"I am fine, my mother is sitting right next to me and we are on our way to the train station. Where are you?"

"Uh...Rosey and I are currently at a beach house in Louisiana. I will text this number the exact address when we end the call."

"Okay um...will you pick us up at the train station?"

"Of course."

"Well I should go. I'll text you when we are almost there."

"Okay just be safe, bye."

"I will, bye."

I hung up the phone and put it back in my bag.

"So you seem to be making some close friends." My mom observed.

"Yeah they are pretty great." I smiled.

The way to the train station was spent in comfortable silence. I was enjoying the scenery while my mom just looked lost in thought.

"Okay our train leaves in 5 minutes." I told my mom.

"Great let's go get on then."

Lucky no one was suspicious of a girl and her mom, so we got on the train pretty fast.

"So we should get there by 3 o'clock. What shall we do tell then?" My mom asked.

"Well let's talk about the plan. We are meeting Phoenix and Rosey at the train station and then going to a semi secluded area." I explained.

"And then what?"

Crap. Mom's got a point. What then? We can't just spend the rest of our lives in hiding.

"I haven't exactly got that far."

"Marie we will get through this. We have a few hours on here let's just think."

So that's what we did. We were thinking of a plan the whole time. And after a long time of arguing over what would and wouldn't work.

"The perfect plan." We grinned as we got off the train.

Phoenix's P.O.V.

As I went to go pick up Marie and her mom panic set in. I haven't met Marie's mom before! Okay Phoenix don't panic. Just be polite and make a good first impression.

"Phoenix what's up? You looked stressed." Rosey observed.

That's the good and bad think about Rosey. She can read me like an open book.

"I just want to make a good first impression on Maire's mom." I sighed.

Hopefully its a better first impression then the one I had with Marie. Its funny thinking back on it now. I mean we went from fighting each other to really good friends so fast.

"Well I haven't met Marie's mom either, but if she is anything like Marie I'm sure you will have a great first impression. I mean you and Marie seemed to hit it off when you first met."

I know she is just trying to help, but that didn't. I really hope my first impression on Marie's mom is way better than with Marie.


The whole drive to the train station was spend thinking. I have to make Marie's mom like me. I wish I could have Marie's advice on first impressions with her mom. But I guess I have to work with what I got.

"Any last minute advice on first impressions?" I ask.

"Phoenix just don't be a stupid boy and act like someone you aren't. Be yourself and if she doesn't like you than there is something wrong with her not you."

Dang, there goes plan A. My sister is smart though. Not that I would tell her that. I will take her advice.

"Okay Marie said she would meet us at the big water fountain. Let's go."We got out of the car and were met by two amazing girls at the fountain.

"Hey Rosey, Phoenix thanks for picking us up. I want you to meet my mom. Mom this is Rosey and her brother Phoenix."

"Its nice to meet you Mrs. Dason." I said shaking her hand.

"Its nice to meet both of you. Marie has told me a lot about you." She smiled.

"Okay well why don't we all talk on the way to the beach house." Marie suggests.

She probably doesn't want to be in public for too long. I can't blame her though when the whole CIA is looking for her and her mother.

"Alright the car is just this way." I say directing her back to the parking lot.

I lead the way a few paces ahead but close enough to hear Marie and her mom's conversation.

"That boy is quite cute." Her mom said to her.

"Yeah is also a good guy."

I couldn't help but smirk at that.

"How did you two meet?"

Oh no.

"Oh that. That is a story for another time." She laughed.

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