Chapter 13

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Phoenix's P.O.V

I can't believe I just left Marie there! I want to go back I can't leave her with rogue CIA agents!

But if I turn back Marie will KILL me.

How can I make this choice!

For all the time I have known Marie she has surprised me. The more I think about it, the more I realized she probably let me beat her in the 'fights' we had at my house. She didn't want me to know about her dad and the CIA.

I feel like a coward, but I know I should do what Marie says. After all I do not want to deal with another moody teenage girl. My sister fills that role completely.

I quickly drove Marie's car back to my house. The whole time I was thinking how I was going to convince Rosey to come with me without raising a bunch of questions.

Good thing it was Friday meaning we are meeting Marie on Sunday. My sister doesn't like missing school so that takes that stress away.

"Hey Marie and Phoenix I was thinking we could go out for-" Rosey said as I walked in the door.

"Hey sis." I said trying to act normal.

"Phoenix where's Marie?"

"Uhhh...her mom decided it would be fun if we all had a fun getaway road trip. They took Marie's mom's car and are meeting us. We are meeting them Sunday at a beach house."

"What? Why was this just decided?" Rosey asked.

I am actually proud of myself for coming up with such a amazing lie so quickly.

"Marie's mom is a very 'in the moment' person. So c'mon let's go pack. Hurry up though we need to leave in ten." I said running upstairs.

"Ookkayy." Rosey said still not fully convinced.

I didn't have time to convince her more though.

I quickly stuffed clothes in a bag and ran outside. I decided to do what Marie would do. Not take her car and take ours. I knew for a fact that they would have her license plate number. I just hoped they didn't have ours.

"C'mon Rosey!" I shouted through the window.

"I'm coming don't get your panties in a twist." She shouted.

Once she was in the car I quickly sped out of the driveway.

"Woah why are you driving so fast?" She screamed hanging on to the car door for dear life.

"Cuz we are already late." I explained.

I didn't have any idea where we were going but I knew it had to be far from here.

I just hope Marie is handling herself. I feel terrible for leaving her, but I knew it was for the best. At least now my baby sister is safe. And I understand why Marie wants to keep her out of all of this.

Take care Marie, see you soon.


Marie's P.O.V

I still can't believe John would betray me like that. I trusted him my whole life. And this whole time it's been a lie.

"So are you going to tell me where we are going?" I asked annoyed.

He shoved me in the back seat shortly after Phoenix lefted and now we are driving to who knows where.

"Well Princess we are going to set up a little trap for your dad." He answered smirking.

"Is my mom part of this trap?" I asked.

If my mom is in the same place as where I am headed it would make my life a lot easier.

"Yes, but don't get your hopes up Princess she won't be with you."

Damn it!

"I know you too well Marie. You forgot that your dad and I taught you everything you know. I know you are trying to escape, so go ahead. It will be   good entertainment while I wait for your dad to show."

"How do you even know he will? He abandoned us. Left us under the care of you! I would be surprised to know if my dad gives a damn." I yelled.

He just chuckled.

Man, I have never felt the urge to kill someone more than I am feeling right now.

This guy is using my mom and I to find a guy that walked out on us years ago.

"Believe it or not Marie, your dad loves you and your mom very much. He faked his death to try to protect you guys. Too bad he wasn't careful enough about it." He chuckled the last part.

If my dad loved me as much as John says he does, why was he risky enough to get caught? Better yet how did he get caught?

"How did you find my dad?" I asked the curiosity killing me.

"Ah... Well that Princess again shows you how much your dad loves you and your mom. See I have known your dad for a long time and I knew if he was alive he wouldn't be very far away from you. For the last 7 years your dad has been watching you from a distance. I'm actually quite surprised that he hasn't shown himself yet."

What John said brought tears to my eyes. For the past couple of days I thought my dad abandoned me and my mom and now I know that he was always there watching out for me.

That only fueled my fire more. Now it was my turn to watch out for my dad. And I knew just how to do it. This guy wont know what hit him, that's okay though. My family will be reunited, but first I have to go through some obstacles.

No one messes with the Dason family and lives to talk about it.

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