Chapter 2

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{Boboiboy's POV}

I woke up and change my clothes then I went outside thinking about yesterday.
'What does he want?' I thought 'What does he mean strike me down and destroy Earth, he's gone I saw him got sucked into the black hole and who keeps watching me?' Many questions flow in my head. "Hey Boboiboy!" Gopal shouted cutting my thoughts "Are you ok? You seem like you're in deep thinking." Gopal asked "I'm ok don't worry guys I'm fine." I answered. I know they are still worried but if I tell them what I saw they won't like it. "If you say so." Gopal said to me while eating his chocolate.

We were silent for a minute then Yaya talk first "Umm Boboiboy what did you saw when you where fighting Fang and why did you mention BoRa Ra?" I was shock when she ask me those questions 'Should I tell them?' I thought, they were looking at me waiting for my answer "You guys won't like what I saw." I said to them, I don't want them to know what I saw and I don't want to tell them what BoRa Ra said. "Why not?" Gopal ask me still eating "Well I-I-" I didn't know what to say then suddenly something hit my arm, I scream 'What was that?' I though, I saw my friends looking at me shock, Fang is looking everywhere to see who shot me.

"Boboiboy! Are you ok?" Ying said, my vision is blurry and I feel like losing consciousness but I refuse. I saw a dart on my arm it looks like there's a chemical inside of it. Then I saw Gopal trying to pull the dart off my arm but it was painful "D-Don't" I said weakly. Gopal stopped and asked me "Hey are you OK?" I tried to sit up but I fell back down "I-I'm o-ok" I said weakly. I know they didn't believe me that I'm ok but I don't want them to be worried. "We need to find who shot you." Yaya said worried on her voice, I was about to say something but we heard Fang shouted "GUYS HELP ME!" Gopal and Ying ran to get Fang but Yaya stayed beside me "D-don't worry Y-Yaya I'll be fine h-help them." I said then Yaya nod and fly towards where the others is, Then I saw my power band glitching and changing elements.

{Fang's POV}

When I saw Boboiboy got shot, I look everywhere to see who shot him, I saw a black figure move 'I need to see who it is' I thought "Hey guys I need to check out something." Ying nod and I summoned my shadow eagle to get a clear view. Suddenly I saw a giant robot fired missiles at me but I dodge it easily, then I saw a missile about to hit me but I dodge it then I fell down, the robot shot a hand at me and it got me when I saw a clear view I saw Probe but more serious and he have a B mark on his chest "Probe!?" I said to him but he didn't answered he just looked at me, I heard him speak "Boss I got one of his friends." His voice is more robotic and serious, I saw him nod and look back at me "Probe LET ME GO!!" I said to him angry "Did you shot Boboiboy!?" I asked him but he didn't answered, I saw four drones holding a cage, he put me in the cage and I tried to break it but it didn't work not even a scratch, 'I need help' I thought then I shouted "GUYS HELP ME!" I thought they didn't heard me but I saw Ying and Gopal "Guys! Help Me!" I shouted "Wait is that Probe?" Gopal said "CAN YOU HELP ME FIRST BEFORE QUESTIONS!!" I shouted at him annoyed, Gopal sighted and shot the cage with his powers but it didn't work. "It didn't work!" Gopal said then Ying slowed down time and said "Guys get some ideas and fast." I keep thinking then I saw Yaya coming "Yaya try punching the cage before it's to late!" Ying said to her then Yaya punched the cage but it still didn't work, "It didn't work too." I heard Gopal said.

The time is normal again, I saw Probe turned around and fire missiles at them, Gopal turned the missiles into food Probe shot another missile but it's bigger than the others, Yaya uses her Gravity Powers and bring it back to Probe but he dodge the missile and it explodes. "Supersonic Punch!" Yaya punch Probe but he dodge the attack, Yaya keeps punching and punching while Gopal is trying to shoot Probe but he keeps dodging, "Ying slow the time!" I shouted at Ying and she said "I can't I still need time to recharge!"
I keep attacking the cage but still no effect 'What kind of cage is this?' I thought, I saw Yaya got hit and landed on the ground, Gopal keeps shooting at Probe but he didn't turn into food.

I saw Probe nod and grab Yaya and put her in the cage, Probe got Gopal and put him in the cage too. Probe was about to grab Ying but someone screamed "STOP!"

{Boboiboy's POV}

My power band is glitching and keep on changing elements 'What's happening?' I thought then I heard a loud explosion 'What was that?' Then I remembered Ying,Yaya,Gopal and Fang "I need to help them" I said to myself, I tried to stand up but I can't, I tried again and again until I successfully stand up but I'm still weak when the dart hit me on my arm. I tried to get the dart off my arm but it hurts, I tried again pulling it out of my arm. My vision is still blurry and my arm still hurts but I didn't care all I care is to save them. I ran as fast as I could until I saw a robot grabbing Gopal and putting him into the cage, I saw the robots face 'Is that Probe?' I thought, Probe is different he had a Big letter B on his chest and he looks more serious. I see him about to grab Ying but I shouted "STOP!" They all looked at me "Boboiboy! What are you doing!?" I heard Yaya shout "Who are you?" I ask him "I am Bot#1 Probe defender of the power spheres." His voice is more robotic and serious "You need to come with me." He said while holding Ying "And why would I come with you?" I ask him I'm still weak "Someone needs to see you." "Who?" "You will find out if you come with me." He said to me more serious "Then if someone wants to see me, why is you're boss not here?" he didn't answer this time "Tell you're boss he needs to come to me if he wants to see me" I summoned my lightning sword and Probe put Ying in the cage and looked back at me "Just come with me and no one will will be harmed." he said "No, I won't come with you and tell you're boss he need to show his face if he wants to see me."


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