Chapter 20- Best Friends

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Next chapter will be out after January. Please be patient.
I have lots of reunion with my family.

{BaRi Ri's POV}

It's been 2 days since Boboiboy left. We kept on searching everywhere but, nothing. It's not his fault that my right arm is gone, if anyone is to blame it's my dad. He didn't do anything bad. Why would he blame himself?

I've recovered from my bad injure since yesterday. I can move my robotic arm like a normal arm would do. It's not that hard. I can still use my powers with my robotic arm since Kai made this arm special.

I'm in the experiment room, building a stun gun. I have decided to build a stun gun because it can help us stun an enemy for 10 minutes. It can blur someone's eye and make them dizzy.

Ying, Yaya, Gopal, Fang and Kai are out, searching for Boboiboy. We can't locate him, not even his power band or his badge. I think he disabled the location on his power band, but the badge, it cannot be disabled. What did he do to the badge? Did he destroyed it? Why are you making this so hard?

I paused for a minute, thinking about Boboiboy.

"Why?" I asked myself. "Why would he leave?"

I put down the gun I was building and put my hands on my face.

"It's not your fault. It's not your fault."

I suddenly felt a cold hand on my shoulder. I removed my hand on my face and looked back. It was Computer.

"Boss, don't be upset." She patted my back slowly.

"Why wouldn't I be upset? He left. He left us." I sighed. "Why would he blame himself?"

"We all know it wasn't his fault boss."

"Yeah, I know that. But why?" I looked at her to hear her answer but, she didn't spoke and didn't looked at me.

"I don't know why boss." she answered.

I sighted and looked at my robotic arm.

"It wasn't his fault." I said quietly.

"Boss, they're here."

"Let them in."

The door opened and Ying, Yaya, Gopal, Fang and Kai came in. They were all panting hard. What happened to them?

"Something happened?" I asked them.

"We found him." Yaya answered.

I smiled. I'm happy they finally found him. I hope he's doing alright. I hope dad is not doing anything to him.

"Where did you guys found him?" I asked, a little excited.

"The temple." Fang answered.

I got frightened. The temple. Why would he go there? It's terrifying in there. Lots of dead bodys, wall almost going down and worst of all the traps in the temple. The traps can kill someone in one hit. If someone got the wrong step, dead. But, why didn't the traps activated when we're fighting 2 days ago? Is the traps destroyed or deactivated? I don't know. That doesn't matter for now, all that matter is Boboiboy. We need to go to the temple.

"Let's go to the temple."

{Boboiboy's POV}

It's been 2 days since I left them. 2 days since I last saw them. And 2 days since I had seen my best friend.

I got sad when I remembered him. I hope he's okay.

I know what their thinking. 'Why did I left them?'. I always know they always thought that.

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