Chapter 10- Friends

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{BaRi Ri's POV}

Welp, today is the day. Old friend is visiting I wonder what is they're reaction if they see the two. It's been so long since we hang out. I miss those two. Well, time to get ready don't want to waste time. Now, I just need to make sure they didn't saw the two I need to surprise them.

I got up and I wear my armor. I open the door and look around if they are awake but luckily they are still asleep. I went to the portal room to wait for my guest.

Minutes past and the portal activated they are here. I saw them walk out of the portal. They didn't really change that much. "Hey! Kaizo! Lahap! How are you two?" I walk closer to them. "We're fine. How about you?" Kaizo ask me while looking around the lab. "Heh. I'm great. So how's Ata Tiga?" He look at me directly. "Same as before the emperor is still crazy." The emperor didn't change huh!? Well I'll make him change when I go to Ata Tiga. "Hey BaRi Ri! Where's Kai?" Lahap ask. "Still looking around the lab. He always does that ya know." Yep he always do that even at night. "I'll go look for him." With that Lahap left the portal room. "Kaizo, I need to tell you something but before I do let's go in the living room." We both left the portal room and head to the living room.

We sat on the sofa. "So what are you gonna tell me?" He ask looking at me. "Well Boboiboy and his friends are here." His eyes widen. "When!?" Whoa he seems so excited. "Months ago." He smiled. Wow I make him smile by saying those words? "Why are you happy?" He look down still smiling. "Well I just miss my little brother." He never said anything like that wow what happen just now? "He's still asleep and can you promise me something?" He nod. "Please don't tell them my past I don't want them to be so worried or angry. Maybe I'll tell on the right time." He nod in understanding. "I know you still want to forget, see them again and go back but you can't right?" I nod. I hold back my tears not wanting to cry. "Accept it. It's part of us." He said seriously. He always make me happy. I sighted, remembering my painful past. "So can we wake them up?" He said. "Well, I was planning to scare them. I mean we scare them." I smirk. "I like the plan." He smiled evilly. "Same as before." We laugh. This will be so hilarious. "Computer!" She appeared in front of us. "Get the drone camera ready okay?" She nod and left. "You're recording?" I nod. "I always have an camera all over the world." He nod. "Welp, let's get started. Let's go to my room." We stand up and go to my room.

We entered my room and we look for a good scaring costume or maybe we could use the mask. "So we're using the mask. How about zombie?" He shook his head. "Werewolf?" He shook his head again. "Vampire? Frankenstein? Mummy?" Again he shook his head. "What are we gonna use?" We both think of what we could use to scare them. "How 'bout Freddy?" "I like that. I'll be Foxy you'll be Bonnie." He nod and take one of my mechanical mask and the mask activated and turned into Bonnie's costume. Then my mask turned into Foxy's costume. We both look at each other and smiled. "Let's go." We headed to their room.

I will scare Gopal and he will scare Ying. I opened the door silently and walk forwards. He's still sleeping soundly, I think he won't wake up but if I scare him he WILL wake up. I walk silently and I get my mask ready to do a scary face and Foxy's voice. I got to his bed and ready my mask. I screamed in Foxy's voice and he woke up screaming running out of his room. I hold my laughter not wanting to be caught. I exited the room and I saw Ying running fast while Kaizo is chasing her. "Hey! Don't chase her!" I whisper scream. He stop chasing Ying and walk towards me. "Who's next?" Kaizo ask. "I'll scare Boboiboy and you scare Yaya." He nod and head forwards Yaya's room while I go to Boboiboy's room.

I peak to the door and see him still sleeping. I entered his room and closed the door silently. I walk quietly, walking towards his bed. I saw him twitch and I stop walking and look for a place to hide but luckily he didn't wake up. I continued walking until I reach his bed. I readied my mask and inhale. Then, I screamed and he scream he throw a pillow on me and ran out. Good thing he didn't throw a lightning sword at me. I walk out of his room and I saw Kaizo walk out of Yaya's room while holding his face. "What happened to you?" He let go of his face and look at me. "She punched me in the face." Oooops I forgot to tell him that Yaya punch someone who scares her. "My bad." He groaned angrily. "So, last one is Fang let's scare him." He nod and we go to Fang's room.

We opened the door and we entered. We walk quietly and I get my mask ready. We both look at Fang who is sleeping soundly. We look at each other signaling to scare him. We both scream and Fang woke up screaming like a girl. He run out of his room and I hold my laughter. He never scream like that before that was hilarious. I saw Kaizo holding his mouth trying to hold his laughter. "Hey let's go to the garden." I said. "Why in the garden?" "Because they always hide there." He nod and we both go to the garden. I saw them hiding but not really hiding I can still see them. I signaled Kaizo to go right he nod and go to the right then I go to the left. I saw Gopal's hand and walk forwards a little faster. I saw Kaizo getting his mask ready then he look at me signaling me to go. We both scare them and they all scream, I can't hold back my laughter anymore. I laugh hard and they all look at me madly. "Making us wake up by scaring!!!" They all said to me. I stop laughing and wiped my tears "Ok Ok I'm sorry." I removed my mask and they all clam down. "So why did you scare us?" Boboiboy said. "Well, I did that on purpose and I didn't do it al-" Before I finish I heard Gopal scream. "BaRi Ri, who's this?" I look at what he was talking about and I look at Kaizo who is still wearing the costume. "Oh this? This belong to Fang." I saw Fang look shock. "Wait mine? No way I don't have an Bonnie costume in my room." He still don't get it. "Heh. What I mean is you're brother belongs to you." Kaizo removed his mask and I saw them surprised and their jaw drop. "Wow. Pang is still the same huh?" I nod and I closed their mouth. "Wait why is Kaizo here?" Yaya said. "Just a little visit that's all." I said and I saw Lahap and Kai entering the garden. "Hey boss can we barrow the ship?" Kai said. Now what are these two doing. "Why?" "Because we want to check the cherry tree." I mouth a 'fine' voice. "Thanks boss." They both leave the room and I look at them whose eyes are widen except for Kaizo. "Those two." Said Kaizo. "I know right." I replied back. "Ok we all have a question." Boboiboy said. "Before you guys bomb me with questions, let's go to the living room." Now I have to answer their question what a pain.

{Fang's POV}

Why is my brother here? How did BaRi Ri met my brother? And why did they scare us that was really scary. We all sat down and we all look at BaRi Ri and Kaizo. "Now can we ask questions?" Gopal said and the two nod. "First question. Why did you two scare us?" Ask Ying. "We just do it for fun that's all." BaRi Ri answered. "Second question. How did you met Kaizo?" Boboiboy ask. He looks serious I think he wants BaRi Ri to tell the truth. "I ask his name." He still joke even when we ask him questions, what's wrong with him? "THE. TRUTH. NOW." I saw Boboiboy being really serious he clenched his fist. Why is he angry? "Alright fine. It was 3 Years ago. I met Kaizo when I was searching for crystals it didn't go easy because I thought he was a bad guy. I fight him for an hour. After 2 hours I saw two giant robots trying to destroy our ship. We stopped fighting and we stopped the robots to destroy our ship but the robots are tough so we decided to team up. After the fight he decided to put me on his team but I refuse because I can't abandon my team. He understand and he introduce me to Lahap and after 2 months they left Earth to go to Ata Tiga they ask me if I want to go but I didn't go with them because some hunters are out there. After they leave Earth I was alone again but not really alone I have Kai, Sade and Computer. That's the story." BaRi Ri explained. How I didn't know my brother go to Earth without me. Why didn't he told me this story?   "Why didn't you tell us this story?" Boboiboy ask. "I was just waiting for the right time." BaRi Ri replied. "Why are you searching for crystals?" Gopal said. "I was building my portal that day because it was destroyed by Kai who ate the pieces of the portal." Kai really ate the portal pieces? Wow just wow. "Alright last question. Why aren't you at Ata Tiga?" I ask him. He look surprise when I ask him. He need to tell us the truth and no more jokes. "I-ummm I-I.... No now's not the right time." WHAT!? What does he mean not the right time? "What do you mean not the right time?" Ying and Yaya ask. BaRi Ri stands up followed by my brother. "None of your business." They both left and its just us five. "Why won't BaRi Ri tell us the truth?" I ask them. They look confuse except for Boboiboy who was thinking deeply. "What do you mean?" Asked Yaya who was confuse. "What I mean is he don't want to tell us his past I think he's hiding something." "If he don't want to tell his past then let him be. I think something horrible happened back when he was still a kid and when he was still on Ata Tiga. Who knows." Ying said. Maybe I'll give him some time. He deserve it he did a lot to us I'll give him some time to think of it. "Let's give him some time." Yaya said. Boboiboy was quiet after the talk wonder what's in his mind. What keeps bugging him? "Guys can we eat now? I'm hungry." Gopal groaned. "Alright fine let's go eat. Come on Boboiboy." I notice he keeps staring at the window. "Leave me for a while I need to do something." He replied. What's wrong with him? "Alright." We all exited the room and head forwards the kitchen. Give him a chance.

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