Chapter 1 "Alone and Homeless"

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Madison Faith ⬆️

"You looking sexy tonight!," one of the regular customers say while whistling at me.

I roll my eyes annoyed as I bartend the bar. Life hasn't been easy for me since I lost my parents in a tragic car accident.

I was only 15 at the time when my life completely turned cold. Due to not having anyone to take me in since I was still a minor. Child services decided to intervene and put me in foster care. But, I ran far away before they got me never looking back. I enrolled in school to pursue my high school diploma while living at churches.

I felt safe there from the world, so I made it my temporary home until I could afford a place to live in. For two years of high school, I would never make plans with anyone to hang out with me after school. I didn't want no one to know I was homeless.

Funny how no one ever cared to ask about my background, but it was better that way.

In school, I was popular due to dating jocks and being friends with the cheerleaders. Various times, my friends would try to convince me to join the team, but it just wasn't my thing. Until I meet Damien, who was the star quarterback of Golden Creek's High School. Because of him, I joined cheerleading and quickly became captain.

We had a great relationship in the beginning, but it quickly crumbled once he started to pressure me to sleep with him. We were together for five months and the entire time he always pressured me to have sex with him, but I never gave in. I wasn't ready. So Damien did what every asshole would do. He cheated on me with my best friend Ruby, well now ex best friend.

How do I know he cheated you ask? The answer is simple, I walked in on them getting it on under the bed sheets at one of our friends parties. I remember slapping Ruby for betraying me the way she did. Turns out she was never my friend. She just used me for popularity, secretly she hated my guts. She was jealous of my life, if only she knew how shitty it really was. After slapping her, I ended things with Damien which he didn't at all take well. He thought he owned me just because he payed for my cheerleading outfit and would let me sleep over a couple of times at his place.

At 17 years old, I managed to finally get a job as a bartender at a dance bar which I work at now called Agenda. Trust me, I applied at so many places, but I never got called by any of them. So I applied at this place desperately trying to make money. I was tired of living at churches always making sure not to get caught by the janitor. I was tired of not being able to eat properly only relying on the free food churches would have every week. So Agenda was my desperate last call.

Rocky, the owner of Agenda wasn't sure of hiring me at first due to my age, but as soon as I told her I was an orphan and she saw how many guys looked my way. She knew in that moment, I was going to bring business to her bar, which I did. Things finally started looking great for me. I made a decent salary along with huge tips perverts would tip me every night. I managed to find a nice small studio that a nice elderly woman was renting to get extra help with her bills.

I was so happy having a roof over my head and no longer starve like I used to. Due to having extra credits and all the requirements done, I graduated early from high school. Which was great for me since I didn't get to see Ruby nor Damien ever again. However, my dreams to pursue a college degree went down the drain. There's no way I could afford college not even for a semester.

So here I am a year later still working at Agenda serving drinks for a living while getting hit on and disrespected by perverts.

"Madison," my coworker Nina calls out.

I turn my head over looking at her as I hand a shot to a customer.

"Get ready for tomorrow night. I hear we're going to have a hot special guest renting the entire bar," Nina waggles her brows at me.

I chuckle at her behavior. Nina is one of my closest coworkers/friends I have and let me tell you since high school I don't have many friends.

Nina is such a wild card you never know what she'll do next. All I know is that she's very fun always making me laugh at her craziness.

"How do you always know all of the bar's gossip?," I giggle.

"Uhm big ears," she laughs handing three shots to customers.

"Well seems like we're going to have a busy night tomorrow then," I respond not really looking forward to the work load tomorrow is going to bring.

Usually special guests that rent out the entire bar are rich egotistical assholes. You have no idea how much of those I've encountered since working here.

"Yes ma'am, make sure to look your hottest. I hear the special guest is a total hottie," Nina winks at me.

Most likely another egotistical asshole.

I shake my head jokingly while smiling. It is now time to close the bar, so Nina and I are cleaning our area. I'm beyond exhausted of today's busy day. However, tomorrow it's about to be more draining than today due to this special party. To be honest, I'm not looking forward to it whatsoever, but as longest I have Nina to entertain me with her wild spirit.

I should be good.

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